Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 5542


Understanding Engineers

Engineers 看了別轟我!
Two engineering students crossing the campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want." The second engineer nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit."

Understanding Engineers - Take Two
To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.

Understanding Engineers - Take Three
A pastor, a doctor and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, "What's with these guys? We must have been waiting for 15 minutes!" The doctor chimed in, "I don't know, but I've never seen such ineptitude!" The pastor said, "Hey, here comes the greens keeper. Let's have a word with him." "Hi George! Say, what's with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, aren't they?" The greens keeper replied, "Oh, yes, that's a group of blind firefighters. They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime." The group was silent for a moment. The pastor said, "That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight." The doctor said, "Good idea. And I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist buddy and see if there's anything he can do for them." The engineer said, "Why can't these guys play at night?"

Understanding Engineers - Take Four
What is the difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil Engineers?
Mechanical Engineers build weapons and Civil Engineers build targets.

Understanding Engineers - Take Five
The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work?" The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, "How does it work?" The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?" The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"

Understanding Engineers - Take Six
Three engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body. One said, "It was a mechanical engineer." Just look at all the joints." Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections." The last one said, "Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?"

Understanding Engineers - Take Seven
"Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet"

Understanding Engineers - Take Eight
An architect, an artist and an engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress. The architect said he enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring relationship. The artist said he enjoyed time with his mistress, because the passion and mystery he found there. The engineer said, "I like both." "Both?" "Yeah. If you have a wife and a mistress, they will each assume you are spending time with the other woman, and you can go to the office and get some work done."

Understanding Engineers - Take Nine
An engineer was crossing a road one-day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week." The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket. The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you and do ANYTHING you want." Again the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, and that I'll stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?" The engineer said, "Look, I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now that's cool.

~ 胡管閑事
發表於 2005/12/03 01:35 PM
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十二月十一日(日)中午環亞二樓←上一篇 │首頁│ 下一篇→Daddy's ten rules



生以前  要先問清楚有沒去過韓國. 有個費玉清說的笑話:
一對青蛙生了一窩小蛤蟆. 公青蛙很生氣的質問母青蛙:
原來妳背著我和蛤蟆有一腿." 母青蛙哭著辯解:
不是這樣的. 我只是沒有告訴你,我認識你之前 去過韓國做了美容......"

蛤蟆 在 新浪部落 於 2009/02/01 07:34 AM 回應 

有愛吃青蛙的人分布在各系~  這就是為什麼要把它留下來, 最好公的母的都留一隻, 生一堆小蛙, 才夠炒一盤.

749 在 新浪部落 於 2009/02/01 01:04 AM 回應 


烏龜 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/31 01:46 PM 回應 


蛤蟆 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/31 01:31 PM 回應 


kurich 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/31 09:33 AM 回應 



他們自己話就多,要的是個good listener。

double-major 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/31 07:33 AM 回應 


Cash is King.

Queen 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/31 07:18 AM 回應 

double majors: 政治系+商學系

Guess 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/31 07:04 AM 回應 


欠x 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/31 02:52 AM 回應 


kurich 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 06:36 PM 回應 


我愛會計師 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 04:26 PM 回應 


會計師 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 04:17 PM 回應 

古有小強﹐ 今有啞噹

XD 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 04:02 PM 回應 


本來就是 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 04:00 PM 回應 

土木工程師嗎? 可不可以用控固力吧那一層地下室封起來,免得又會淹水.

顧客 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 03:39 PM 回應 

控固力 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 03:23 PM 回應 


阿呆嗎 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 03:15 PM 回應 


工程師 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 03:03 PM 回應 

有人愛會計師嗎? 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 02:50 PM 回應 


還不知道適可而止 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 02:35 PM 回應 

1 2 下一頁 最末頁

Belows to be deleted(as the 3rd one by值日天使:) somewhere that 收回自用囉。
好文章!那麼身為不善言辭的工程師,可否提供肺腑之言? - 謹供  文理工法商農(even housewives:) 同參--謝謝!


 - More in depth info:
大家都是未開發的佛 or URL attached.

adAma 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 02:08 PM 回應 

雞婆一下﹐怕有人不懂。德州農工大學 (Texas A&M) 以工科出名﹐關於他們工程系學生的各種冷熱笑話也特別多。以下這則就是關於工程系學生遇到一個美女跟她的摩托車(有些版本是腳踏車)的故事。

An engineer is walking down the street. A fellow engineer comes roaring up on a motorcycle.  First engineer says:
"where'd ya get that bike!"  2nd engineer says:" You'll never believe this, but I was walking along the sidewalk, just like you, when this gorgeous woman came riding up on this very bike. She got off the bike, threw it down, threw off her clothes, and said 'TAKE WHAT YOU LIKE!'". 

"Hmmm, good call" says the 1st engineer.  "The clothes probably wouldn't have fit".

翻譯雞婆 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 01:04 PM 回應 


The third engineer 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 11:28 AM 回應 


也是工程師 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 06:48 AM 回應 

呵呵 ~

﹐謝謝! 不知是哪位工程師愛我。被愛的感覺好幸福喔。

我愛工程師 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 02:24 AM 回應 


工程師也愛妳 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/30 02:08 AM 回應 


---- 北一女部落格

我愛工程師 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/28 10:51 PM 回應 




無 意中讀到一則工程師笑話,說如果把一個工程師雙手綁在椅子後面,在他面前把一張地圖攤開,然後亂折回去,這位被綁在椅子上的工程師會受不了,一定掙扎著要 重新摺這張地圖,我不由得哈哈大笑,因為這樣的戲碼天天在我們家上演,先生常常覺得有必要重摺疊我看過的報紙,把我隨手放在茶几上的書放正,連推出去的垃 圾桶都被他調整過,說要和車道成某個角度,垃圾車才好收。

兒子也是學工程的,講了一個老笑話,突顯他們思維的另一面,據說有一個工程師走在 路上,看到一隻會講話的青蛙,「請吻我,我會變成公主,會回你一個深深的熱吻。」這位工程師停下來,把青蛙撿起來放入口袋,然後繼續走。青蛙又說:「請快 吻我,我願意跟你在一起,隨便你要做甚麼都可以。」工程師把青蛙由口袋拿出來,看了一下,笑一笑,又放回口袋繼續走。只聽他自言自語地說:「工程師沒有時 間跟女人多囉唆,但是有一隻會說話的青蛙,多麼酷。」


其 實要知道某人是不是學工程的,可以從某些小節看得出,有位太太說她先生規定說叫他吃飯要用email通知,不要用喊的,這種人喜歡看呆伯特的漫畫,想到聖 誕會很興奮是想到可以組裝玩具,如果什麼電器用品壞了要扔,會把電線收起來,記得七個以上的電腦密碼,卻不記得自己結婚紀念日,相信科幻電影裡所講的情 節,網上的朋友比實際生活中多,戴的手錶按鍵不比電話少,還有……

朋友中有不少是嫁工程師的,說工程師性格呆板不善交際,只專注於某些專業 技術領域,理性甚於感性,這種人缺少生活情趣,是所謂有知識沒常識的一群,可以把許多東西電腦化數位化,但工程會讓人越來越不人性化。有個笑話流行於工程 師間,話說兩個工程科系的學生在校園裡相遇,其中一個騎著一輛漂亮的腳踏車,另一人好羨慕說:「你哪裡搞來的這輛車?」「就是昨天,我滿腦子想著自己的事 低頭走在校園裡,迎面過來一個美麗女孩騎著這輛車,突然把身上的衣服全脫光,問我要什麼都可以給我,我就要了這輛車。」另一位學工程的同學說:「你選得對,反正她脫掉的那些衣服你也不能穿。」

在 大多數的女生眼裡,工程師可能一點也不浪漫,不會送花送禮寫小卡片。如果是在新創的公司打拚,忙得連見太太的時間都很少,更別說有機會跟其他女人接觸了, 加上幼稚笨拙的社交能力無法掩蓋他的謊言,如有什麼外遇一下就穿幫。工程師每天被公司整天關在那叫做「小隔間」的鳥籠裡,除了回家,哪裡都去不了,只認識 辦公室到家裡的路。有位太太說她擔心工程師丈夫整日盯著電腦,視力將會衰退,又說其實這樣也有好處:當太太變老時,他不會注意到,因為視力模糊了。但他的 記憶力卻非常好,仍記著你們初次相會時你那年輕美麗的容貌。另一位太太說:「工程師丈夫薪水不錯,自己不會娛樂不怎麼花錢,也很少女人花他錢,所以你可以 大大方方地花他的錢,並且告訴他這是促進經濟繁榮,他做出來的東西才有人買。」

公司會說謊、老闆會說謊,工程師通常沒有能力說謊,這也算是 工程師的驕傲,他們發現自己比一般人更實事求是,有崇本務實的精神,常常是默默地解決問題,他們說自己不是沒有品味,而是不想浪費時間在一些他們認為不重 要的事情上,如果可以天天穿同樣的衣服上班多省事。不少工程師認為自己是很高智慧的人,幽默起來比誰都幽默,但也有那種悶悶的,不喜歡說話的,一開口就是 只有搞技術的人才懂的冷笑話的宅男,這種個性的人實在要感謝他們自己發明的電腦與網路,這些玩意使他們在某些時刻仍保有相當魅力。

一位工科 先生說他們同學都是晚熟型的男士,畢業後工作了大家第一次相聚,同學們互相調侃說:「現在說話比較像人話了。」那時他們共同的苦惱是外表平凡穿著隨便、語 言索然無味,而交不到女朋友,因為口才比不上文科的男生,體格比不上體院的男生,投資理財的能力也輸給商科的男生,也許腦中的資料庫裝得滿滿的,但卻說不 出文學名著或明星的名字,大腦總是優先浮現什麼AMD、CPU,和女孩子聊天,只要是提到電腦時,就口沫橫飛沒完沒了,興高采烈地說起矽谷和晶片的由來, 什麼網路伺服器,回頭一看女孩子早就不知跑哪兒去了!他們就是不懂女孩,為什麼買手機不看功能,而是選哪位帥哥當代言人;事情可以用email講清楚的, 她要煲電話粥;有近路可以走,她要繞路才浪漫。

這樣的男生需要有耐性的女孩給他機會,如璞玉般好好琢磨,就像一位女孩說的:工科男生有個特 點,就是不帥,不是真的不帥,是那種猛一看不帥,但是第二眼會比較順眼。如果第二眼還是不順眼,那麼堅持看第三眼,你會覺得他呆得可愛氣質還不錯,假以時 日如果事業成功會變得越有價值,就算是賺到了。

中國人在美唸工程的不少,上一輩為了是科技救國,不讓外國的船堅砲利欺負,或者說學工比較算 有一技之長,台灣當初的經濟起飛靠的也是電腦工業的進步。經濟情況好的時候,工程師可以變身為科技新貴,金融海嘯來時,工程師們也常常首當其衝受裁員打 擊,在危機中能不能再保有工程師單純的性格是另一種考驗。(寄自加州)

2009-01-28 世界日報

吳玲瑤 筆下的工程師 在 新浪部落 於 2009/01/28 10:38 PM 回應 


                          Engineer's View of Women (1)

(to be continued)

落跑者 在 新浪部落 於 2008/07/25 08:37 PM 回應 


I like this one.

2248 在 新浪部落 於 2005/12/12 10:43 PM 回應 

Understanding Engineers- Take 11

While attending a Marriage Seminar dealing with
communication, Tom and his wife Grace listened to the
instructor, "It is essential that husbands and wives know
the things that are important to each other."
He addressed the man,
"Can you describe your wife's favorite flower?"
Tom leaned over, touched his wife's arm gently and
whispered, "It's Pillsbury, isn't it?
The rest of the story gets rather ugly, so I'll stop right here.

胡管閑事 在 新浪部落 於 2005/12/12 03:27 PM 回應 


兇媽 在 新浪部落 於 2005/12/08 11:00 AM 回應 

Just to share with you how practical an engineer can be:
Understanding Engineers- Take 10

John visited a psychiatrist and said "I need help. I go to bed and before I go to sleep, I start thinking that someone is under the bed and I can't sleep". The psychiatrist said "I can guarantee a cure if you visit me twice a week for a year. It will only cost you $200. per visit.". John said "that's awfully expensive, but I must do something. I'll call your office for appointments." The next time the psychiatrist saw John was on the street a couple of months later . He asked "How is your sleeping problem?" John said "No problem now. I mentioned it to Frank, my engineer friend, and he came to my house and sawed the legs off of my bed".

PE 在 新浪部落 於 2005/12/08 10:12 AM 回應 

No matter what, I told my husband one time, I wanted to marry an engineer in my next life.... :)

749 在 新浪部落 於 2005/12/04 05:23 AM 回應 

The engineer I married probably wish his talking frog stops talking sometimes :)

胡管閑事 在 新浪部落 於 2005/12/03 01:16 PM 回應 

Dear Nosy, Boy! I am your biggest fan. I have been watching you all this time. They are so funny. Thank you for bring us the laughters. It's just I wished to see those "facts" earlier before I decided marrying an engineer. See he never realized that he married a beautiful princess, not a talking frog.

Your fan 在 新浪部落 於 2005/12/03 12:44 PM 回應 

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