Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 1375


Building your dream home

吳明堤,1974年建中2班畢業. 與林莉是大一同班同學.
Hi, Lillian,

Message from my last mail: 15班呂聰維已過世多年,14班馬劍清任教台大機械系,14班李永康榮總醫師,16班李鴻源任教台大土木系. Sorry about the code. Now I have another long mail for you:

I was wondering if you know anyone who is thinking or dreaming of building his/her own villa in Taipei nearby area or who is a good realtor. I have a farm which was actually my dreamland where I used to spend my weekends and summer breaks. It has a creek (大屯溪) with clear water and big stones running at the back, an aged stone house with a waterfall running down from the top of a natural rock wall just on the right hand side of the front garden, a middle size farmland with gentle slope looking down the creek valley.

My original plan was this:

1. Some wooden platforms and a pagoda or shed beside the creek where one can listen to the sounds of the running water, read, or talk

2. A teahouse and a front yard featured with hand-crafted house walls, a waterfall on natural rock, a pond under the fall, and a lawn with bamboos and sakura trees.

3. A forest with ponds, rocks and pastures among the trees and along the path.

I did the second one and part of the third one, and then I went abroad (I built a lake-side house and a granny flat there!). Since I’ve settled down in southern Taiwan and I found it hard for me to take care of all the lands I have, especially this one in 北新莊, which is 10 minutes drive from 淡水. I hate to see it go wild. Here are the descriptions of the farm:

1. Location:  北新莊(10 minutes drive from 淡水, 40 minutes from Taipei downtown, 捷運竿蓁站à登輝大道à101甲縣道右轉往北新莊à前行至龜仔山橋前有車行柏油路上行約300m及步道上行約150m, 陽明山竹子湖上方之巴拉卡公路亦可達, 北新莊事實上位於通往淡水,北部海岸,三芝,陽明山,北投小坪頂幅射狀道路中心點).

2. Size: 建地130坪,田2筆各約1100坪(共2200坪)

3. Present status: 石屋部分屋頂因木樑腐朽掉落,但牆壁完好,溪邊石屋有甚多石材可用,瀑布水源(為上游湧泉及溪水)暫時導向灌溉渠道,可隨時恢復,屋前瀑布庭院荒蕪,以前種植之墨竹go wild,田地種有珍稀植物水杉(活化石)數百棵已成林(10米高), 另有數百棵為前年新植, 田地尚有櫻花,方竹,楓香,銀樺等植物,有人管理故田地大致良好.田為緩坡大梯田,面西南向陽,有巨石不少可供造園,土壤為通氣排水良好之陽明山土適合造園

4. Possible usage: 建地有天然延伸至溪中之巨大整座硬岩保護無土石水患之虞,為僅有之山水庭園稍加整修即可,田地2筆可蓋農舍別墅2間均位於路旁不需另開路可充分利用,瀑布水源流至田中可導引造池及大水景(因上游水量充沛),飲水灌溉可從上游湧泉處接水,因上游不遠處即為陽明山國家公園無污染之虞.目前鄰地已蓋有別墅.

5. Price: Slightly more than 40 million (6X130+1.5X1100X2). Can be 1 to 3 owners.

I had a dream on it and still do and am reluctant to let it go, but I have too many dreams so I know somehow I got to compromise. That’s why I decided to let go the furthest one from where I am.

Hope you enjoy reading something about my dreamland and see if you have any idea about it because I have been away from Taipei for too long and have lost most of the contacts there.


Woody Wu (吳明堤)

1969 復小信班←上一篇 │首頁│ 下一篇→四年級部落格成立了