Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 336836






In memory of our beloved friend, 陶輝禮 (Willie Tao).

From: Shen,Gwo-Chyau
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: [NTUChE79] Information on Hui-Li's memorial service

I was wondering if Willie really had stomach ulcer? In other words,
could it have been the misdiagnosis that eventually led to his death?

We're always told to trust our doctors completely. However, based on my personal experiences and what happened to some of my friends and relatives, I would say that often time second and/or third opinion are
equally important, especially when you don't feel 100% assured of the first diagnosis.


From: monwei
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 12:49 AM
Subject: Re: [NTUChE79] Information on Hui-Li's memorial service

I feel very sorry to hear Hui-Li's pass away. I always remember Hui-Li's big smile appearing on his face constantly.

I think his doctor should be blamed first. If Hui-Li had a routine physical check up, his doctor should have been easily able to warn him that he may have one or all  3  highs, high blood pressure, high cholesterol;, high blood sugar. Either one of  three highs would cause stroke and heart attack.  And these are easy to be treated by medicine, exercise and diet. They will not go away unless you deal with it. Or if the situation is out of control, the doctors can always put stems on his heart or put by-pass. The other symptom such as stomach ulcer caused by H. Pylori can be treated  by taking antibiotics. If you ignore the ulcer, it could become cancer sooner or later. 

When you are over 50, you should have prostate check-up (PSI level) and colonoscopy. The colonoscopy needs to done by good experienced GI doctor. I have heard horrible story that people colons got penetrated by stupid doctors during the procedure and almost die.  If your PSI level is too high, your urologist doctor will do a biopsy from your prostate. Don't get panic, if the lab identify as a cancer cell. You should always have second opinion from another pathologist of other lab to affirm that. You had better go to big hospital to do these procedures. Don't think it's only a "test". It's a really a serious procedure and a very important first step to find anything wrong with it. If the first diagnosis is wrong, all the sub-sequences afterwards will be all wrong.

Finally, we have to deal with " Stress ". Stress could be mitigated through Chi-Gone as suggested by Chen Yi-Hwa or Yoga or religions. If you can not deal with it and have depression, you need to see psychologist or psychiatry doctor. 

I believe that  to maintain a good family relationship is more important than anything else such as your careers and business. People just ignore the easiest and most valuable  things surrounding them and regret when they lose them all.

Monwei Lin (林孟緯)

From: Hsu, Jay
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2007 7:45 PM
To: 林莉
Subject: RE: Directory of 1979 NTUChE

Thanks for setting this up for us.  I have updated my information in the attached.  Please express my condolence to 陶 family.

Jay  Hsu (許介龍)

From: Yu-Hung Liu
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2007 5:39 PM
Subject: RE: FW: [NTUChE79] FW: Directory of 1979 NTUChE

Sorry that I did not know that we need to update the spreadsheet till I read Chen, Wu's message.

I visited with Charlene, Wife of Hui-Li, this morning. I'd like to share with you the hour we spent together and convey Charlene's message to all 1979NTUChE:

Charlene message first: She enjoyed that so many classmates, most of them she never had the chance to meet, e.g. me, poured into her life since Willie passed away.

If you have time, give her a call between 8:30 am and 10:30am, Taipei time, after she finishes changing the fruit and cleaning up the altar, to share with her the Willie you know and cheer her up.

Charlene shared her change from the hopeful to despair in the last hour of Willie's life. He just had a close to perfection physical exam report in June. She had been the boss of the family all the time with the absolute support from Willie. Not even once did Willie deny her requests/suggestions. She realizes now that all her strength was from Willie. Willie was a piece of 'big toy' for her and their son. Willie couldn't adore or spoil his son more by playing all sorts of sports with him, at his 'older' age and 'less' energy.

They have been conducting the Tao's Kissing Ceremony since the birth of their son till Willie's last night. Charlene would kiss their son good night, then Willie would kiss their son good night, finally Charlene and Willie would kiss each other by the boy's bed. Their son remained tough right after the departure of Willie till one night he asked Charlene if there would be no more Tao's kissing ceremony.

Being part of the nerdy group in NTU, I could see Willie, the opposite end from the nerdy, as a perfect husband, dad, and kisser ............

Give Charlene a call


From: Adam Chen
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 9:31 PM
Subject: RE: FW: [NTUChE79] FW: Directory of 1979 NTUChE

I have been communicating with Willie's brother, Wess, the last few days.  He asked me to post a message for his sister-in-law Charlene. If you have any words for Willie, she will put the words in a small card and burn it while Willie is being cremated. This is a good idea since most of us cannot attend the memorial service, as much as we want to.

I asked Wess for Charlene's e-mail address so you and I can send our parting words to her. Will pass on her e-mail address as soon as I get it.


From: Ye-Hwa Chen
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 9:20 PM
Subject: [NTUChE79] Charlene

I called Charlene, Hui-Li's wife, yesterday. We talked about Hui-Li, his son, and his mother. From my observation, Charlene needs a lot of time to recover.

She asked me to convey her appreciation for your concern. She also asked us to watch the health. Life seems so fragile and yet we need to try the best to stay strong for others may count on us.

Hui-Li will be cremated and the ashes will be kept in the same cemetery where his father was buried (who passed away 4 years ago).

I mentioned that some classmates expressed condolences on this forum, she asked if she could take a look at them. Stanley, is it possible you add her name on this yahoogroup so that she can have access to the old files? These may be a vehicle to comfort her. .......................

Once you are done, either you or I can send an e-mail to let her know.

For the rest of us, if you can not call her directly, perhaps leaving few words on the forum (or sending her an e-mail directly) may also help her to go through this very difficult time. Thanks very much.

Ye-Hwa (陳義華)

From: James
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 12:14 PM
Subject: Re: [NTUChE79] New file uploaded to NTUChE79

Hello, everyone

This is Jaing Li (645418).

I've been following everyone's response on this sad news.

This morning, Chung, Li-Hang (645426) and I took the time to go to Hui-li's old house. We met with his mother and his youngest brother. We talked a lot about the good old days.

We then went to Hui-li's residence and met with his wife, Charlenee. We also paid our respect with incence to Hui-li.

It is a pity that we have been having get-together parties in Taipei and we've missed Hui-li and his families. I promised Charlenee that we will invite her and her son to join us next time.

Just so all of you know that Both Mrs. Tao are doing fine. They are both strong ladies.

江    理

日期  2007/9/4 上午 10:57  
主旨  obituary notice of Hui-Li

  輝禮 闔上眼皮
一聽紙錢兒飛 黃土蓋
See you off on 0909.
國青  悼  9/4

From: Tony Chan
Date: 2007/9/5 上午 9:24
Subject: Re: obituary notice of Hui-Li
To:  (略)

願輝禮早生淨土, 花開見佛!


Nice to talk to you during the weekend, though, it was not an ideal situation we want to hook up again. 
My sister-in-law (Charlene) did ask me to tell you.  If you have anything want to tell Willie as a farewell, she will put the words in a small card, and burn it with the coffin. Let me know in email, if you want to do so.
Wess (陶輝詩)

日期  2007/9/6 上午 6:41

Wes, just wrote few things that we did together with Willie when we were young.  Pls pass to Charlene and your Mom for me.  Thank you.



還記得數月前,(蔡) 明達兄從台北來電詢問輝禮的聯絡方式。那時我遍尋無著,因為最近一次和輝禮通電話已是1999年。還記得應該是1997年和 (孟) 憲偉一起到過輝禮夫婦景美新落成的住處共進一次晚餐,沒想到竟成絕饗。我和輝禮在大學是蠻親近的,但自從赴美留學以後,真正見面相處也不過三次。除了前述在輝禮家的晚餐,就只有(黃)肇南兄和我的婚禮。

 記憶中與輝禮相處的時光都是快樂地,這也和輝禮的性格有關。輝禮的個性豪爽講義氣又容易與人相處,這種”很上道”的個性,使他結交了很多朋友。我的朋友如(張)世澤、(孟) 憲偉、和(張)敬文也都是與輝禮熟識。甚至輝禮弟弟輝詩和輝書的朋友,也有不少與輝禮相熟。古語云『仗義多從屠狗輩,負心多是讀書人』,輝禮雖是讀書人,卻有著市井屠狗之輩的義氣,是一個肯為朋友兩肋插刀的人,我相信輝禮生在古時,應該是俠客型的人物。

 輝禮看似隨和甚至有些優柔寡斷的個性,其實骨子裡卻是浪漫地,是多情地。這種個性在舞池裡,在麻將桌上,在酒過三巡之後,最能表現出來。每一次看到”John Travolta” 在”Saturday Fever”穿著白色西裝,一手指天,一手指地,扭腰勁舞的照片,就讓我想到輝禮跳舞的英姿。多少的家庭舞會,甚至希爾頓,中央酒店夜總會的舞池中,輝禮的舞姿都曾引領過風騷。


  化工系的同學應該記得大四上主修科的沉重壓力。猶有甚者,男同學還要準備隔年春節過後的預官考試,記得那天晚上八點過後,單號班考完趙榮澄老師的”程序控制”。我和輝禮由化工系館前步道往新生南路側門移動。當夜月黑風高,依稀可見在側門口有一人踽踽獨行,狀似問理兄,輝禮馬上以其招牌的口哨聲喚起了前方獨行人的回應。根據問理的說法,一聽到口哨的頻率,即知陶大帥有事召喚。不過那聲口哨不但聚集了不少人氣,也驅散了不少人心頭的鬱悶。我記得那天晚上去陶府打牌的至少有化工三禮中的問理、江理(和輝禮),可能還有(陳)建清、(鄒)海雄、(王)卓明、(胡)崇智、(沈)國喬和永和三劍客─ (隋)翰德、(徐)林龍和(丘)士良中的數人。至於大三的牌友(陳)良武、(莊)立航、(沈)大陸、(郭)明宮等已進入大聯盟,應該未曾與會。


 這段年少輕狂的經歷其實正如John Travolta在”Saturday Fever”所扮演的都市青年,為自己的情緒和理想在尋找出路。很多事情中外古今皆然,走筆至此。南唐韋莊的一首菩薩蠻,詠懷少年江南之樂浮現心頭,『…………… ,當時年少青杉薄,騎馬倚斜橋,滿樓紅袖招,翠屏金屈曲,醉入花叢宿………………』。
輝禮,你魂魄有知,可曾記得這些輕狂的年少往事 ?

和輝禮相處的記憶中,很少是在一起讀書。不過,每到期末考,輝禮總能苦讀三天三夜不睡,應付考試亦從容不迫。猶記得大三謝孝義老師的熱力學期末考,全年級大概只有兩三位過60分,而輝禮亦名為其一,可見其實力。在美國職場有云:『 Work Hard,Play Hard』,其輝禮之謂歟 !



曉餘  敬悼

From: Wess Tao (CBC/US)
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 8:26 AM
To: (略)
Subject: Re: 懷念輝禮二三事


Thanks for your writing.  It makes me feel life is much better than the real world. 
I believe Willie enjoys the good old days as much as we do.  He probably would say.....Yes, life is good with all you guys/gals .....

Wess (陶輝詩)

From: Calvin
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 12:31 AM
To: 林莉
Subject: FW: Condelences to the family of 2441 Willie Tao, a 1974 Chien Kuo graduate.


Thanks for letting us know. I knew him very well. I feel very sad about this.

Old six.

日期  2007/9/7 上午 2:19

Hi Wess,

I cannot find Willie phone number when I was in Taipei on April 2007. It's so sad to hear the bad news.

The following is for Willie:






不知道輝禮兄是哪一班的。但從此刻起,你是n+1班的老大了。不用說我們便是n-1班的了。輝禮兄, 你一路好走,到了那,你還是老大,有好位子,先占著,別怕寂寞,熱鬧還在後頭呢。


心泰 敬悼


2007, 09, 10

1979 台大法律系←上一篇 │首頁│ 下一篇→1975 成功高中