Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 583390


1974 台大化工系



Dear Classmates:

Guess I did not receive the first few emails because of a recent email address change.  I did not come to the 20th or the 30th reunion but with my son in high school it is more possible to take a trip on my own now.  I do appreciate 林莉's effort in putting our information in such organized manner but it puzzles me why a joint reunion and why 74/79?  Are we connected in some way?

If a reunion will be held, I do prefer to have it in Taipei.  I don't think we need one in LA.

Even I did not come to the reunions in the past, thanks to many of you, I still get to see you and even received help from you when most needed.  Hope to see you soon.

Yuhong  2008, 09, 27


所以,我認為班上自己的活動絕對最吸引同學,也最令人期待,但是,全校重聚,會帶來另一種驚喜,前者可能每年都有聚會,全班聯絡上後,只要有人in town,都可以見面。後者卻很可能一輩子只有一次,甚至如果不搭1979的順風車,如果沒人願意發起,可能一輩子連一次機會都沒有。同年齡同學聚會,不論原先在校園識或不識,大家都在社會上歷練了30多年。一定還有許多其他交集,反正如果真的沒認出什麼同事、鄰居、教友、中文學校家長、小孩同學家長、....居然都是臺大同屆同學,那就自己系上自己聯誼,也不會覺得落單,但是如果真的巧遇熟人,就可以先將班上同學擱一邊,因為自己系上同學見面相對容易多了。

一點想法,在此與大家分享。南加州重聚因為先登場,所以1974級是否願意參與明年1979重聚會,將在第一次籌備會中由出席的1974級校友,代表決定。希望貴班也有人能代表出席。開會時間地點是2008年10月11日在Chino CA,細節會再通知所有1974級系代表。
林莉 2008, 09, 27

Hi Lillian:

As Yuhong stated, I also appreciate your significant efforts in putting the contact information together for our class and in planning the upcoming reunions for various NTU classes.  A job well done so far!!!
I am not sure if any of our classmates live in the LA area or may be willing to attend your first planning meeting in Chino, CA on 10/11/08.  Let me give you our latest info on our reunion planning and my comments/suggestions for you planning meeting just in case we (NTUChE74) do not have any representation.  Because I have received several comments from some of our classmates in the US and Taiwan, my comments/suggestions can represent feedback from some but not all of our classmates.

1.      Suggestion from our Last Reunion in 2004: Several overseas classmates in the Malaysia area attended our 30th anniversary reunion.  After a great week-end gathering in Taipei in October 2004, our overseas classmates suggested (after a few drinks perhaps) hosting our next 35th reunion in their home town.

2.      Current Planning Status:  Our class did not do any planning since the next reunion was still over a year away.  Because of you initiation of a combined reunion next year, we, among our classmates, started a dialog already.  Apparently, many are interested.  Some of our classmates in Shanghai would contact our overseas classmates in the next few days and find out if they are still willing to host a reunion in Malaysia.

3.      A Possible Plan:  I believe that the possibility of a reunion in Malaysia is very high for us as many classmates have never been there.  For the classmates in the US and China, they may choose to attend the reunion in Malaysia and visit Taiwan along the way.  We may end up with two reunions: one in Malaysia and another mini one in Taipei.  The reunion date is not set and this may be determined by our classmates in Malaysia.

4.      Combined Reunion: I am not sure if we will attend your reunion but will check with our classmates.  I suggest that you keep us posted on details so your events can be available to our classmates.  Some of them may decide to attend if timing and availability may work out for them.  You are correct that a combined reunion may result in some surprised networking.

雷時先  2008, 09, 28


至於南加州的重聚,目前暫訂8/7/09~8/9/09(歡迎提議其他日期,籌備會都還沒開,絕對可以變更),多半是周五報到,外州同學全部住在同一旅館,籌備會會有人負責議一個團體rate,晚上各自系聚會,晚餐後可以到旅館的chat room繼續敘舊,因為屆時各系都會到那續攤,自然可以見到他系同學。周六白天會有重聚會安排的節目及專業照相,直到晚宴與南加臺大校友會舉辦的年會合併,晚宴後仍然可以相約到chat room碰面。周日,可以安排LA一日遊,也可以報名參加02要號召的跨校grand reunion。譬如,1974化工有三位1967大同初中牛頭班同學(趙鴻愷、盧正發、洪啟文),就可以與其他系牛頭班同學,甚至住當地非臺大校友的牛頭班同學相約在02安排的餐廳聚餐,到時不但初中同學可以碰面,還可以看看1964級復興小學、1964級北師附小慶祝畢業45年的全屆重聚中,說不定還有其它人生階段結識的老友意外現身。如果人人都買02的concept,保證會有許多驚喜,保證不虛一行。
周日晚上搭夜機回東部、返臺,都不浪費時間。一旦大家支持02的提議,02會請非臺大校友幫忙組織周日的lunch reunion,務必讓遠道而來的校友,值回票價。
四年級部落格文章索引 (請設成my favorite方便未來觀看)

1967 大同中學

02  2008, 09, 28

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