Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 591229


1968 建中18-23班(2)


1968 建中18-23班(1)

洪照輝學長 in 1956



張蔚炎 2009, 09, 18

Dear all,

I have uploaded some of the photos that I took during the initial hotel check-in, the visit to Getty Center, and the strolling at the Santa Monica pier.

You can find the photos in the following link (hope this works):

照輝  2009, 09, 22       


2009, 09, 13
照片中站在後面的護花使者, 由左至右:
張蔚炎、趙開澎、章振洪、洪照輝、楊文島、王蓬生、林成堂、王誾、孫衛漢、陳建仁、陳東、葉有松、王式雲(東主) 、張大同、林淳寅

坐在前面的嫂子, 由左至右:章(振洪)太太、孫(衛漢)太太、趙(開澎)太太、王(蓬生)太太-葉愛珠、洪(照輝)太太、陳(建仁)太太、林成堂's sister-in-law、楊(文島)太太、王(式雲)太太、(林淳寅)太太

To All:
Time really flies. It has been a week since our first US high school reunion in LA. First of all, we have to thank Stewart and Clare for their conviction and tremendous hospitality to make this event possible. Secondly, Tony and Wei Hang did most of the leg work to pull everything together without a hitch, a job well done. Again, thank you all.
Two-day event brings back so much memories and joy. It was like yesterday once more. I am hoping that this is just a good beginning because so much we can share and talk about after forty one years. How many 41 years can we afford to passing by without seeing each other? Let us plan the next event soon.
Jimmy's photo album is great. Next time I will show him the best side of mine when the pictures is taken. But Willis probably will say"Ah Dong, you do not have the best side!"
I just want to say that it is so amazing that the friendship established 41 years ago never faded away. Let us keep it stronger as we continue our journey.
Peace be with you all.
CT (Tony) Lin from Michigan  2009, 09, 20

Tony Lin-- Finally, I see that you made a good point!! (Sorry that I teased you with "what is your point?" during our banquet.)

Indeed, we owed a lot to Mr. and Mrs.王式雲 for hosting this wonderful 2-day gathering, including the two gourmet dinners, hotel arrangement, and airport pickup. They also took some of us to the famous Santa Monica State Beach for a leisure walk on the pier, after arranging a group visit to the sophisticated Getty Center.

Equally impressive is the planning and implementation of this re-union by 陳東, 孫衛漢, and 張蔚炎. Their organizing effort spanned a period of over 6 months. These guys were also running around between the airport and hotel to give some of us a convenient ride.

Kudos to the official photographer of this re-union, 張蔚炎, whose expert photos loyally documents this once-in-40 years occasion.

I am also deeply touched by Mr. and Mrs. 趙開澎, who flew all the way from Taiwan just for this occasion, not mentioning they also bringing a very special gift for everyone in attendance.

Speaking of gifts, thanks also due to 葉有松 and 林成堂 for the gifts that they brought for each of us.

We shared a very special moment with Mr. and Mrs. 王蓬生 in celebration of their anniversary. What a great love story this couple has inspired us!

The "memory prodigy", 林淳寅, entertained us with his excellent impression of Chiang Kai-Shek.

Finally, my wife and I had a really wonderful time in this brief re-union and are really delighted to meet all the old friends after 40 years.

Please add your comments if I miss anything or anybody for proper acknowledgement.

洪照輝  2009, 09, 20

洛城匆匆別後 已有一旬 離情依依 恍如昨日
本次群英會 其況之盛 無出其右者 實屬空前 但願不是絕後 若非式雲 Clare 賢伉儷 慷慨好客 洛城設宴 觀音請羅漢 又戮力捐輸 鉅細靡遺 四十載首次聚英之會 豈能如此成功 式雲之運籌帷幄 Clare 之任勞任怨 皆為有目共睹 受在下一拜 以示謝忱 袞袞諸公踴躍參與 更令人感動 蔚炎老哥生動的沙龍藝術照 影中人呼之欲出 為這回盛會留下精彩的永恆回憶 衛漢的默默奔走襄贊 令人感佩 謝謝有松帶來的禮物 讓吾等吃得健康 承阿堂夫人Marina以禮相贈 為諸位嫂夫人錦上添花 趙(前少校)開澎 鄭(前中校)春香夫婦千里迢迢 跋山涉水 攜來的紀念品 更令人驚豔 也為這次相聚留下不可磨滅的見証
九月十二晚上接風宴上 四十一載別後 乍見當兒 驚呼聲此起彼落 眾弟兄 一邊享用豐盛的海鮮自助餐(南加首屈一指) 一邊談笑風生話當年 蔚炎大師自台返美 甫抵機場 即時趕到 卻席不暇煖 喀嚓之聲 不絕於耳 真是辛苦異常 席上振洪攜來當年模擬考成績單 發現照輝又是榮居榜首 與考進建中成績為全班第一 前後呼應 他老兄卻以 小時了了 大未必佳 回應 令人莞爾 阿堂積三十年誤人子弟之經驗 與攝影者討價還價 令人噴飯 眾曰 難怪GM破產 其來有自 飯後 式雲夫婦充當嚮導 引領大夥兒 逛逛具拉丁情調之夜市(CityWalk) 體驗一下南加夜生活之情趣 直至深夜 始個自返回
九月十三上午 兵分兩路 一路赴 The Getty Center 一路趕往 Universal Studios  因小的參加第一路 只述前者 話說眾人徘徊於園林之妙 流連於藝術之美 且走且談 邊吃邊聊 好不痛快 王誾也後來趕到 下午 一路人馬 逕赴 Santa Monica State Beach 來段看海的日子 其他好漢 回去休息 儲備精力 為晚上壓軸戲作準備 畢竟大家已屆花甲之年 養精蓄銳 全面備戰
九月十三晚上七時 好戲開鑼 有松前來加入 席前分批留影 以驗明正身 始能入席 菜分十道 (魚翅)席開兩桌 天南地北(二十又五) 歡聚一堂 式雲夫婦特備上品紅酒招待 那知阿堂卻來個大口(呼)乾(啦)杯 真是烏龜吃大麥 糟蹋糧食 林大教授藉著酒意 插科打諢 葷素不拘 開懷大笑 聲震屋瓦 好個 拳打眾位英雄 腳踢各路好漢 正為當晚高潮鋪路 酒過三巡 侍者推出一個水果大蛋糕(上鋪芒果片 非常別緻) 上書 拌手共行三十載 下款 CC1968  原來是式雲 Clare夫婦特為蓬生 愛珠 結縭三十五週年所備 (席前 Clare 為了拿蛋糕 途中塞車 害她遲到 老朽身為連絡人 真是罪過) 在場諸人 無不動容 承愛珠之美意 願與在場各位夫婦同慶共享 又云 蓬生現為天下第一愛婿 真應了 丈母娘看女婿 越看越愛 那句話 知曉他們兩人的戀愛史(其曲折動人 小說電影 望塵莫及) 一定認為此乃最佳結局 在大家起鬨下 兩人行禮如儀 重溫交杯親吻(好像不是French Kiss舌吻)等動作 就差沒親新娘 鬧洞房 照輝不甘落人之後 也起來報告他與 Alice 的愛情故事 以及他孝感動天的親情往事 他這一段動人舊事 與前一段情緣往事 相互輝映 是為絕配 聽過許多故事後 阿堂不甘寂寞 聲言 看誰的那口子最年輕 心想 咱家穩操勝卷 不料 半路殺出個程咬金 淳寅是也 真是蓋仙不是蓋的 自喻老牛啃嫩草 阿堂只好眼巴巴的屈居亞軍 蓋仙趁勝追擊 來段模仿秀 蔣氏父子的浙江官話 唯妙唯肖 汪師煥庭的安徽口音 詼諧有趣 極為傳神 再度把我們帶回時光隧道 重溫昔日陳事 張大師蔚炎 文武全才 畫畫畫得好 照相照得巧 更是華陀再世 席間 少吃少喝 拍照忙得不可開交 還得來段養生之道 使眾哥兒嫂子們 受益匪淺 您老哥真夠意思 最後獻上 策劃人兼主辦人兼東道主 式雲 Clare 夫婦 水晶琉璃一座 係王俠軍 琉園創作  寓意福壽綿延 討個吉祥 聊表大夥兒的心意於萬一 式雲感言後 同學會就在 互道珍重聲中告一段落 為時兩日的四十一年首度重聚 於焉結束 也為他日再聚啟一開端
這回同學相聚 遠自台灣前來與會的有 趙開澎兄 鄭春香嫂 夫婦 來自美東的有 章振洪兄  May嫂 夫婦,張大同兄,王誾兄 代表美南的林淳寅兄 Joyce嫂 夫婦 從中西部赴會的有 孫衛漢兄 黃俐玲嫂 夫婦,楊文島兄 Grace嫂 夫婦,陳建人兄 張麗珠嫂 夫婦,林成堂兄(Marina嫂微恙 其姊代表 老朽年老失憶 請問芳名) 陳東(拙荊芮琳不克出席 吾妹陳茜代表) 北加代表有 洪照輝兄 Alice嫂 夫婦,王蓬生兄 葉愛珠嫂 夫婦,葉有松兄 南加地主有 王式雲兄 Clare嫂 夫婦,張蔚炎兄 合計十五家 二十六人 這次聚會為我們建中68級高三18-23班大型同學會開先河 薪火如何傳承 同學仍須努力 互勉則個
長毛老道 誌於二零零九年初秋   2009, 09, 23      

Hi,  Guys  --
Thank S. M. for providing step by step instruction on uploading pictures to our class album.  I asked my wife to help out.  :-) 
Yusung  2009, 09, 23

Ying Wang's San Jose Visit on 9/5 and Tony Chen's on 9/18


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