Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 606507





Hi all,
Looks like a great re-union on the rink!!!
Can someone tell me how to type Chinese characters? It would be nice to be able to type names and places in Chinese.
I do not want to change my setting/environment to Chinese. The only SW I know is NJStar which only offers 30-day trial. Any free SW for download? I asked a few colleagues at work but no one knows. I work for IBM. Don't laugh...
Ivy 鄭乃薇
2010, 09, 03


我以前用南極星,後來google出了Googlepinyin,就直接下載googlepinyin,直接在word processor中打字,現在是用搜狗,和googlepinyin非常像,我覺得比googlepinyin還好用。很多格友,練習好了漢語拼音,現在都能夠用googlepinyin直接中文打字了。有問題,歡迎提出,可以電話講解,比較有效。


What great photos (from 乃夷)  and video (from 政德) !!   So proud of 台大溜冰社!!!     
2010, 09, 03

Dear 老骨頭冰友,
    維敏, 乃夷, 政德, Rosemary ... 的大力貢獻才使得跨時空大會得以圓滿成功, 他們的精彩follow up (文字, 影像完整又迅速) 著實令人感動.  一點都不像老骨頭, 我看小朋友也望塵莫及的.  是不是啊, Simon?
    我除了心懷感激, 在此要再表達無限的謝意之外, 不知道怎麼接力, 所以趕緊把小朋友給我們的功課(台大溜冰社 社團資料考古問卷)做好, 交卷!!
    當年的我能力不足, 個性害羞, 沒有當上幹部, 從頭到尾一直充份享受被照顧的快樂, 很慚愧.  後來想起, 其實我也有對溜冰及冰社做到"另類的貢獻", 那就是訓練我兒子Andy 溜冰!  Andy 於1981年出生於美國加州San Jose, 2003年畢業於U. of Michigan, 在加州工作幾年後於2007年赴日本工作(住在仙台附近), 他不但是Michigan 的Hockey team (Ice Hockey, Street Hockey都有), 還是有考到"執照"的有牌Hockey裁判.  這都是因為他媽媽在他連學步都還不穩的時候就讓他穿冰鞋在冰宮裡學冰步了!  他下次來台灣時, 我一定要帶他去拜訪冰社老小, 讓我們再一起溜冰!
    結論: 給冰社小朋友的 advice: 將來, 你們有了babies, 儘早讓他們學兩樣sports - 溜冰 & 游泳 !
   Julie   (JulieChen 陳美伶 1978畢業-歷史系)2010, 09, 06
    註: "Simon 曾子玹"為現任台大溜冰社長
          "superjohnny 余以中"為現任台大溜冰社PR

Andy (1981 born in San Jose) 著裝上陣 - 國際社區Hockey Team in Sendai, Japan


台大溜冰社 社團資料考古問卷 (JulieChen陳美伶 1978畢業-歷史系).doc

2010, 08, 28  台北冰宮




2010, 09, 06

要多謝林莉學姊 還有維敏的動員力
大一上我曾加入溜冰社 但去沒幾次
印象中我是學得很快 可以放手單獨滑行
最後因帶室友去溜冰 室友被別人由後撞倒受傷斷掉二顆門牙
手也被冰刀畫傷 送她去急診
我因覺得對室友很抱歉帶她來 也覺得冰刀挺危險的
所以大一下就沒再去溜冰了  許多人我也不認得了


只是老骨頭 不知是否還能靈活反應

2010, 09, 06

Dear 林 莉,
請幫忙找並再加入 5 位冰社社友電郵:
1.  蔡如慧   621231  外文系 ( 先生是我班上同學 )
2.  盧焯炘   621816  圖館系
3.  朱蕾蕾   636733  農經系
4.  陳台友   635436  化工系
5.  陳少傑   625761  電機系 ( 我班上同學 )
另外在四年級部落格- 台大溜冰社(2) 冰社第三次重聚之照片提及我小孩Samuel , 他沒來 (雖然我希望他來) 請幫忙更正, 謝謝. 附上我全家生活照檔, 讓大家認識真正的Samuel. 哈!

2010, 09, 10

hi, dear all:

2011, 02, 13

2011, 02, 11  台北洋旗牛排餐廳

Hi, 永平 and 嘉慧,

So nice to see you two today at Beinu luncheon!  You both look great!  嘉慧, you did not age at all since college...  
I have posted today's photos (including the photo of three of us) at:
I have also posted little video segments I took today at:
I will send a note to NTU Ice Skating Club e-mail list.
I will e-mail you later to figure out a time we can get together.
Please keep in touch!
Joanne ( 潔文)
2011, 03, 06


Dear 02,

It was so nice to meet you today!  Many thanks for taking the time to visit with us in Houston and for all the work you have done to "reconnect" us!
It was wonderful to see all the nice people today!  I enjoyed the food too!  :) 
I have posted the pictures I took at:

Have a nice stay in the U. S.!  I am sure that we will keep in touch!

Chiehwen 賴潔文
2011, 04, 10

Dear 02,
It was truly a great pleasure meeting you on April 9.  Thanks to your endless enthusiasm and efforts, we were able to reconnect with old friends and classmates lost touch for a long time.  In fact, I also made new friends through your network
Dear 潔文 ,
Thank you very much for the nice pictures.  Everyone looked pretty and handsome!
2011, 04, 11

Dear "Old Skaters",

We have two very exciting reunions in Houston to report:

1.  林莉 (02) visited Houston and we had a nice reunion with her on 4/9/2011.

2.  We found 賴達人 (D J Lai)!!  He actually lives in Houston now.  Four of us ( 賴達人, 馬永平, 鄭嘉慧, and me 賴潔文) had a reunion today (4/15/2011)! 

Our reunion photos are posted at:

I feel so blessed to have reconnected with my old skating buddies!!

Chiehwen 潔文
2011, 04, 16

Dear all:
2011, 04, 17

2011, 04, 17  台大尊賢館

Dear 維敏,  

謝謝妳的完美安排和熱心招待(尤其是昨天妳正忙於監督"塑化劑終結日", 還撥時間趕場, 讓我們覺得溜冰社確實在妳心中有"High Priority"), 讓我們留下跟愛蕙相聚的美好回憶!  

Dear 愛蕙, 一路順風囉!  Take care, and keep in touch until we see you again :-)

2011, 06, 01

2011, 05, 31  台大校友會館蘇杭小館

2011, 05, 31  台大校友會館蘇杭小館


Dear  All,
Finally, after 潔文 found 賴達人 in Houston last April, I have found 王世雄 in L.A, California ( see the mail belowed ) now.
Hope he can share with us how NTU Ice Skating Club founded at the very begining.
2011, 07, 27

寄件者: Shone Wang
收件者: 林政德
寄件日期: 2011/7/27 (三) 7:30 AM
主旨: Re: How are you ?

Dear 政 德, It's so great talking to you last night. Thanks to the websites you enclosed in this email that I finally get to see the faces of old friends and their family. Your Samuel  is such a cute boy and I can imagine how proud of him you are. I need you to do me a favor here, 政 德. As I don't have a clue of how to get on the blog, can you send a message to 賴達人 and 賴潔文 that I'm in L.A.?  If possible I like to have 賴達人's phone number so I can call him without delay.
Talk to you next time.    Shone 4:30pm


Dear 政德,
Good job in finding 王世雄. 
Welcome aboard, 世雄. I still remember you, a guy with glasses, motorcycle and a big smile.
Now we have quite a few Ice Skating Club members in the US, maybe we should get together one day.
Have a great summer, everyone.
2011, 07, 28

Dear 嘉慧, What a wonderful surprise to hear from you. Nearly forty years later, I am still the same 'old' guy except the glasses( thanks to Lasek, which I would strongly recommend.) and unfolded wrinkles on the big smile( that I havn't figure out how to deal with, not yet.). I tried to look you up in the roster yet come up empty handed. Still I assume you're living in the states as you won't be sending email 4 o'clock in the morning, but agin I can never understand what peolple in Taiwan are doing these days...especially 4 o'clock in the morning, who knows. (No offense, my fellow Taiwanese. I am still a proud Taiwanese, it's you who evolve, so fast that make my eyes roll). There are names that ring the bell, yours for one. I just can't wait to hear from the rest of them.  賴達人,賴潔文, 吳蓓南, knock three times.       
王世雄 Shone Wang 3:08pm
2011, 07, 28

Dear 世雄,
政德 did a great job of finding you!  So nice to see your family photo!  What a good-looking family!  Without your glasses, I could hardly recognize you.  Like 嘉慧, I remember that both you and 達人 rode motorcycles in college and are active members and officers of the NTU-Skating Club.  We found 達人 severeal months ago living in Houston.  It turned out that four Skating Club old buddies (達人,嘉慧 , 馬永平 and me) live in Houston.  We had a reunion in April and I think that we should have another one soon.  
So glad that you were found and are doing well!
Joanne 潔文
2011, 07, 29

Dear 潔文,  It's such a nice and warm feeling to hear from you. Last night I clicked on several web pages in the email, and I saw the photos with you ,達人and 嘉慧 in it. Also in your blog, I can see such a successful scholar you become. It's no suprise to me. Because when we were in NTU, you were  a bright shining young student, very smart and determined. I still have the vivid images of our playful days, and I missed them. I heard our club fouder, 蔡福聯 is gone. I only wish I can know more about his life after we graduated. Keep in touch and talk to you next time.        

王世雄 Shone Wang 3:12pm 
2011, 07, 29

I can tell that you still have that trait of naughtiness/humor as before.  Nice to hear from you!  Remember we spent a lot of time fooling around, good and bad, all inclusive.
You have a young family, including yourself.  A very good prospect!
To date, I have many years of experiences.  Twenty some years of studying, 10+ years of corporate/industrial research/technical and 10+ years of American fast food restaurants operations.  I went deep into research and then, went broad into practical applications.  Added up, I must be old.  Hopefully, I am still useful (youthful), relatively.
Please call me when you have a chance, I would have more time chatting after 7 p.m. pacific time.  I plan to call you one of these days.
Best Wishes! 
DJ   賴達人
2011, 07, 29




附上今夏全國青少年游泳錦標賽壓軸 400 米混合接力,以及賽後頒獎錄影。郭中一, Albert Gwo, 的 Palo Alto Stanford Aquatics (PASA) 在第五泳道。最靠近攝影機的是第一泳道。PASA 第一棒 Willy Lee, 第二棒 Curtis Ogren, 第三棒 Andrew Liang, 第四棒 Albert Gwo。YouTube 右下角可選全屏及高清。 大家還記不記得 PASA 去年十二月,只差 0.07 秒而飲恨第二。這次比賽此起彼落,高潮迭起。直到中一下水前,鹿死誰手還不得而知。然而中一游完 50 米轉身後,計分板上顯示中一已破大會記錄。池邊的 PASA 隊友,右下角穿黃綠 T 恤衫的,以及中一的教練們都瘋狂了。接下來,請看比賽錄影:
E34 HF2 14tl046tv - 2014 Speedo Junior National Championships

賽後中一的教練要他猜他游多少。中一猜了十分鐘才猜到自己游了多快。他自己都不敢相信,他比兩三天前他才游的最佳成績,又進步了很多。賽前 PASA 隊團體總積分,位居第二。這個勝利讓 PASA 拿到男子團體總冠軍以及男女團體總冠軍,也為此次 PASA 比賽畫上了一個完美的句點。

接下來,請看賽後頒獎。請大家從頭看到尾,看完要考試! 頒獎人是中一的教練, Dana Kirk。Dana 是中美混血。Dana 的母親是中國人。頒獎臺上 PASA 隊:Willy Lee, 左後; Curtis Ogren, 右後; Andrew Liang, 右前; Albert Gwo, 左前。

D414tl046 227 PGM - 2014 Speedo Junior National Championships

這頒獎臺上站的都是 2014 全美青少年最佳游泳選手。大家有沒有注意到東方人的比例是多少?亞裔佔美國總人口不到 5% 。這頒獎臺上 32 人, 亞裔 6 人,幾乎佔 20%。而且冠軍隊三個中國人,一個美國白人。


2014, 11, 02

Thanks for sharing your medical journey for the past 20 years.  I am so sorry you have suffered for so long. I am happy that you find the cure and can live normal life now.

As I am aging, I notice that my body and my health is going downhill little by little, year by year. Wish I were living close to you so that you can teach me Chi Gong and perform Acupunctures on me.

Best wish for your son to be able to compete in Olympic.

2014, 11, 03

Very impressive, Chuck, I watched the video 3 times, Albert is the anchor of PASA, 2,3,4 棒,都是record breaker.看來你的氣功加針炙是走對了路,

2014, 11, 03


2014, 11, 04

我完全同意 也很羨慕郭兄全家能有完美的健康收穫實在非常不簡單. 我已離開職場五年, 除享受珍惜平淡生活的樂趣, 也盡量注重健康.
其實也體會出要真正維持很健康的生活品質, 卻很有挑戰性. 固然瞭解其重要性較容易, 但要認真執行到滿意  要率性又要認真 確實不容易!

關於小孩能否能奪牌, 是要看他的造化. 在台的老冰友們, 倒是很期望中一有機會代表台灣,爭一口氣. 從我較自私的角度來看, 金牌對老美而言,
好像是錦上添花, 對台灣可是一位英雄. 哈!哈!中一加油 !

2014, 11, 04


2014, 11, 05


2014, 11, 06

Hi all,

I believe this is the NTU Skating Association list.
I am guilty of not keeping in touch, not participating in email chats and not going to the reunions. I guess I am a loner by nature. ;-)
However, I've noticed some of my close friends in my NTU and BEI_I_NU days are on this list - 魏 虹, 定正蕙, Ai-Hwei Yang and many familiar names of skaters of our days.
If you would like to keep in touch using Facebook, please feel free to send me an invite.

Is there a Facebook page for this skating list?

I have fond memories of the two rinks we skated. Now, this is my favourite 'home' rink.
Beautiful rink, isn't it?

Ivy Cheng
2014, 11, 06



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