Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 625743


1976 台大考古系


Dear all,

哇!我們北加州的七位同學在小戴推薦的一家越南餐廳(at Milpitas)共度了一個美好的星期六下午,從12點午餐坐到五點多才出來。有吃、有喝,還有拿。




2011, 09, 05

2011-09-03 N. Calif. Archaeology & Anthropology classmate reunion
Sep 3, 2011
by Mali
At Vung Tau Vietnamese Restaurant in Milpitas
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2011, 09, 15

This is our former 班代葉春榮的文章.  It is really a fantastic article about our 35 year ago college memory.   
葉春榮 2011, 09, 17

Dear all,


Sorry, no time to type Chinese.
This will be the last time I will revise our directory before I leave on Sunday, because I am really busy right now. (Severely lack of sleep everyday, like I went to bed this morning at 2:30 am and woke up by our dear Jian Rong's phone call at 7 am.)
I have tried my best to copy, crop, scan and categorize photos I got from several classmates for a whole week. Thanks to Wen-Chi's CD, it save me a lot of time but I have to be a detective to guess/discover/regroup photos by dates—I used Wen Chi's diary and her writings or number sequences on the back of photos, and 葉老大的文章. I have corrected some of Wen Chi's mistakes on "year" and sequence. 
Remember I talked about my personality before, 不做則已,要做就做好(do my best)。 But because of my bad memory, I also have my shortcoming, so please forgive me if you find some mistakes on my photo CD.

I have read 淑英的文章。It is really wonderful that we take this 35th NTU reunion opportunity and communicate with our "long time no see" classmates back and forth through emails. The feelings is still there and when I look at our photos, everybody seems so pure and beautiful.
Thanks, everybody!

2011, 09, 23


Take easy. You're doing an excellent job. Can't say enough "Thanks"! :0)

Have a wonderful trip!

2011, 09, 23

Dear Classmates:

It seems like 9 lives have passed when I think about 35 years ago, and the days of walking through the big entrance of National Taiwan University and turning left toward our building of Anthropology and Archeology (the “holy” building, as we called). Yet, if I allowed myself to indulge in memory surfing, I see clear waves of images coming to mind. I can remember everyone from Mali’s directory so vividly as if it were yesterday. The hair, the mini skirts, the voices, the talks, the smiles, the dance parties, the exams, the professors and their old notes…..

I appreciate those youthful and fun years immensely. Back then life was as simple as the breeze brushing on my face when I walked on the “Coconut Grand Avenue” everyday. Well, (with a smile) maybe only on the days when I did make to the classes. You know, some of us had a chronic absenteeism issue when it came to showing up to some seemingly boring classes…..  

Like Yvonne, I also had a low score in history on the College Entrance Exam, and accidentally fell into the Department of Anthropology and Archeology. When my junior high school Chinese teacher heard that I didn’t make it to the study of English Literature, or Chinese Literature, and I was not going to be a professional writer, she was deeply disappointed. There went her big dream for me to be a newspaper editorial writer one day.

I remember in our department all the girls were so pretty, particularly the really striking ones (and we surely had several of those). I used to borrow Feng Feng’s or Angela’s notes when the big tests were about to arrive, hand copy them, then stay up late a couple of nights and eventually whip through the tests. After the tests, everything I studied went back into the air and out of my system. That was me - not really liking what I studied and not really knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I took pride in walking on the Coconut Grand Avenue and enjoyed the academic fragrance in the air, but I never breathed it into my lungs like the two who have since become professors in the anthropology or archeology field (Dr. Yeh and Tsui Yi-lan). I have a gigantic long-term social-emotional memory bank in my head, and all of you are fully alive there. 

After we all graduated from Taiwan University, I worked about three years in the government, and then came to United States. I got a master degree in Computer Science at Texas A&M in two years and came to Little Rock, Arkansas to work as a Systems Programmer for the state. Following the traditional path of getting married, buying a house, working, and raising children, the next 10 years zipped through me, except that it did not zip smoothly at all. In 1987 I had a child with autism; life took a big turn from something the size of the small Arkansas River, to the big Niagara Falls, with me losing the little control I had over the brutal water force. I was so afraid, lost, and helpless.

In 1991, I took my son to UCLA for diagnosis and treatment, and met with Mali and Ai-Yun in L.A. That was about the last drop of contact I had with the world of able people, and a normal life. When I brought my son back to Arkansas with a firm diagnosis from UCLA, I knew that I had a mission in my hands and it was by no means an easy one. The next ten years were all about autism and my child. Life included around the clock behavioral intervention at home or school for him, going around the country for autism trainings, working on the local autism boards, doing support groups, training Arkansas parents and professionals on autism, fighting with school districts, suing the school districts, hiring and training care-givers at home, firing them, etc. In those years I often felt so close to Jesus Christ, identifying with his lonely mission and the sensation of being on the cross. It was painful yet somewhat honorable. It involved tragic blood and death yet it was full of intense love and life. By this time, my Computer Science degree and career were in the trash box along with the rest of the other stuff in life.

In 1996, I decided that instead of depending on the professionals in mental health or educational fields, who often were inadequate and with low grade compassion in autism, I would just have to become one myself. I went back to graduate school and got another master degree in Psychology (back then UCA did not offer a PH.D program. I was there 10 years too early. I hate it!!)

At UCA I loved my study in psychology. I never missed one class. I studied hard. Going to classes was the highlight of my day. No more absenteeism as in my younger years. In some psychology classes, I knew more than the professors because I had so much hands-on experience.  Between 1996 and 2000, I was suing the Pulaski County School District for not providing appropriate services for my son’s education, operating the Central Arkansas Autism Society out of my study room, and at the same time commuting to school. I had a care-taker coming to the house in the afternoons to help with my son’s intervention so I could go to school part of the time. Life was so multi-faceted and overly crowded that I had to struggle to have enough sleep (like during my high school years), staying up till midnight to try to study and occasionally surrendering to the fatigue by nodding my sleepy head. Back then, it was so difficult for anyone to advocate for an autistic child in Arkansas, let alone as a Chinese woman without any local social roots. Nowadays, new parents have a much easier time in helping their autistic kids because in the past twenty years all the training of educators, and lawsuits against the school districts, have been done by the parents of autistic kids in the previous generation. We have truly fought a good war in Arkansas for these kids.

As a veteran of the autism war, nowadays I find myself in the profession of adult psychotherapy. God has gradually shaped me into being a psychotherapist in the last 11 years. He has inspired me to utilize all my childhood trauma and adulthood sufferings to be the ingredients for a recipe of hope and compassion that I now share with my patients in the psychiatric hospital where I work. I am very thankful for having walked through those burning paths and survived without getting bitter or numb. When I conduct therapy groups everyday in the acute psychiatric unit at BridgeWay, I can just easily speak from my heart without having to think hard because I have been in their shoes and I know the pain in their hearts and I know how to repair it. My knowledge comes from experiences as much as from books. It is in my soul, not just in my head. After all this, life has been poetically fair; I was so wounded in battlefields, but I am awarded with medals now. The medals are that my son is now independent and I am having a dream career that fits me like a glove.

My son is doing research, and is only one class away from completing his academic requirements for a doctorate degree in physics at the University of Maryland. Meanwhile, I am healing other people’s broken hearts and ill minds in Arkansas. God has fully answered my prayer that if my son should become independent, I would devote my life to be a servant to others.

My life now is like a spring of joy and contentment. I am so privileged to hear about people’s life stories everyday and I have the chance to make a difference in their future. I look forward to going to work every morning, and I enjoy my journey with those patients.  

Life is a miracle, and thank all of you for being on my path when I was young and restless. Those memories are one of the constellations in my sky, and when I stop my steps and trace that constellation in the sky, I can easily find my way home. I love you all.

Happy Reunion!!!!

September 23, 2011

Dear All,
2011, 09, 24

Dear all,

走在如畫的秋景中, 秋風送爽, 陽光明媚.
我的心, 充滿著大大的感動, 而這感動, 源自於老同學們誠摯的分享.

On line reunion 讓睡了三十多年的往事又活了過來.
那青春歲月啊, 可愛單純的笑臉, 穿過時光隧道, 突然來到眼前.
而別後各自的人生旅程分享, 填補了 35 年的空白.

筱梅娓娓道來, 一位堅強的母親, 可以發出如此巨大的能量! 真讓人動容. 
如今, 走過人生的低谷, 還能以自己的傷痛,  感同身受, 去幫助別人.
我彷彿看到愛的光芒照耀在幽暗的斗室, 感受到溫暖與永不失去的盼望.
Dear 筱梅, 感謝天父的愛幫助我們, 給我們智慧能力勇氣.

人生最大的幸福之一, 是找到自己得以安身立命, 如魚得水的領域.
 淑英的製衣事業以及太極導引, 皆是.  誠如麗玲所言, 太精采了!
人到中年, 興趣與快樂健身結合, 帶來身心靈的健康, 何況, 還可以
與當年同窗再度成為同學, 好令人羨慕.

不知道誰開始稱他 '葉老大'?  拜讀 '大學回顧' 大作, 真覺得他是我們永遠的老大.
為什麼老大的大學四年, 與我們如此不同??!!  在那個保守封閉的年代,
居然可以活得如此精采!  讓我們深感佩服.  透過老大細膩的筆鋒, 我們看到
一位意氣風發的英俊少年, 在美麗的杜鵑花城, 走過不虛此生的足跡.

除了感動, 就是感謝.  感謝瑪麗砌而不捨的努力; 感謝同學們熱情的分享;
感謝那些年, 我們一起走過......

2011, 09, 24

為母則強,筱梅是最真實的寫照. 心疼她在遙遠的異鄉這麼堅強的奮鬥,也欣喜她今日的成就與快樂.
2011, 09, 24



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