Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 639968


1966 台大外文系(4)



1966 台大外文系

1966 台大外文系(2)

1966 台大外文系(3)

1966 台大外文系(4)

1966 台大外文系(5)


1966 台大外文系
1966 台大外文系(2)
1966 台大外文系(3)

「02」的由來 (Estimate 5 min. to read)

(4)通訊錄及mailing list。卓明學長整理的word檔最大的好處是容易列印,但是沒有統計、縮小範圍檢視的功能。變更新增比較沒有彈性也不易辨認。另函附上02的標準格式excel檔通訊錄,潘學長的word檔也附在其中兩sheets,供參考。

比對過潘學長提供的mailing list,有下列差異

沒被加入mailing list
511207 魏武雄
511240 曹文彬
511263 王高津
511264 莊芳美
511719 楊穩祥

李麗珍 美國;<
洪美和 美國;<
馮潤鈺 美國;<
黃乃漢 美國;<
魏武雄 511207

董利中 511294
清晨和董學長的公子Tony Tung通上電話,董律師說董學長人在東南亞(我忘了是哪個國家,印尼 or ...),顯然趕不上24日南加聚會。董律師說董學長沒有電郵信箱,他會將訊息列印出來給父親看,他們最近就會見面。

孫義斌 461765

陳淑容 511204
趙桂萍 511709
達小梅 511710
許文宏 511724

511201 郭正彥 66 農化
511206 劉 湄 66 外文
511209 吳自然 66 歷史
511212 黃淑美 66 外文
511215 郭豐聲 66 農工
511220 張大山 66 外文
511228 李國寶 66 歷史
511230 陳振洪 68 外文
511234 吳素慧 請問有沒有報到入學?
511237 林秀雄 67 外文
511238 蕭 藩 66 歷史
511242 陳素芬 66 外文
511244 周克亭 66 外文
511246 朱育仁 66 外文
511252 翁業煌 66 外文
511253 許莎麗 66 外文
511257 甘瑪琍 66 外文
511270 張 凱 68 外文
511274 劉瑞友 66 外文
511277 麥洵冰 66 外文
511278 謝 婷 66 外文
511282 董桂英 66 動物
511283 陳碧雲 66 外文
511285 范秀瓊 66 圖館
511287 古意求 66 外文
511290 黃筱華 67 圖館
511291 歐陽琬屏 66 社會
511295 曾大偉 66 外文
511298 劉寶珍 66 外文
511701 劉華強 66 外文
511702 錢久念 66 外文
511703 楊申明 66 外文
511705 許崇明 66 商學
511706 蕭順景 66 外文
511707 劉天賜 66 農藝
511708 趙冬梅 66 圖書
511712 陳華山 71 外文
511713 韋福兒 66 外文
511715 馮璧雲 66 外文
511718 呂展望 66 外文
511725 張村慶 66 外文
511726 劉修叙 66 外文
511727 陳榮昭 66 外文
511741 楊喜文 66 商學
511746 葉國平 66 商學
511752 余國興 66 商學
511754 蕭成鐵 66 商學
511130 范雙華 66 外文
511422 蘇 慶 66 外文
515198 蘇榮光 66 外文
515299 沈 鐳 66 外文
郭俊彥 66 農化
481273 劉毓啟 66 外文
481719 黃玉春 66 外文
491728 許嘉安 66 外文
501249 張選翰 66 外文
501267 黃聯泉 66 外文
501705 盧洪基 66 外文
501710 任繼昌 66 外文
501716 俞南芸 66 外文
506274 林繼銳 66 外文
馬光炯 66 外文
2012, 06, 21

林莉:非常感謝您的寶貴資料及熱心指導。除了继續搜尋增補同學錄外,本人因乏設置網站相關技能,故至盼有熱心同學早日挺身而出。謹代表1966 外文系全體同學再度謝謝您及CharIy的協助與指導。耑復。順頌
2012, 06, 22

02 同學:
太感謝鄭傳志的努力,更感謝你的正面反應 - 接受這個不容易的工作,幫助我們這些 “網”盲 :)
非常感謝。我們的班長也是另一位非常費心費力促成這一切的。我們拭目以待 台大外文66 美麗的網站!!!
Clara 丁菡嬰
2012, 06, 22









02決定先整理大家在02睡覺時交換的電郵(真的不少,建議大家習慣上部落格留言,因為各位的mailing list並不完整,02要不斷整理,趕不上各位的速度,尤其是蔡元評學長那剛分享的23456五篇文章),並記錄下這個振奮人心的消息。提供通訊錄後,再與董學長及劉學姊通電話。如果董學長以為02是沒禮貌地掛斷電話,真是天大誤會,等看到這段記錄,就真相大白了。

李麗珍 美國;<
洪美和 美國;<用潘學長的,因為洪學姊從那個信箱回信>
馮潤鈺 美國;<潘學長的已經退信>
黃乃漢 美國;<來不及確認,兩個都發>
剛剛爲了確認李麗珍學姊的正確電郵信箱,打電話過去,與李學姊的先生通上話,原來潘學長的是對的,但是是先生的信箱,學長給了學姊自己的信箱,見mailing list,通訊錄已經更新。學長說他學姊會看信,並說沒想到她會收到這麼多信。02問學長爲什麽不用reply all告訴大家李學姊有自己的信箱,他說他不願意在大家的郵件往返中插嘴。真有趣。
2012, 06, 22

Dear 林莉:

讀了妳長長的信很感動, 對我這老人家而言,打出這麼一封中文信, 可要好幾個小時呢! 妳知道嗎? 今天我還在想最近都沒找到北二女的同學, 實在很對不起Charly從年初為我們花那麼多時間. 我真的相信上帝聽了我的禱告, 藉著妳費時,費心, 費力,為我們同時找到董利中和妻子劉玉枝, 竟是台大外文系和北二女同時在找的同學! 的確, 我們中大獎了! 謝謝妳. 請轉告劉玉技她的好同學韋焯瑩很令人感動.十月二十七日她早已答應朋友參加在泰國的一個婚禮,但仍願次日立即趕到台北,來看老同學.因此請玉技帶著夫婿來台北相聚.夫婦一趟旅行,可以同時參加二個同學會. 太美妙了. 如果他們有時間還可留下來參加台大11/15日的校慶呢! 沒想到,潘明因著歡迎我們少數幾個人回台而籌辦11/5日的外文系同學會,竟在二,三個月間收集到這麼多同學的資料, 也讓大家有美好的互動溝通. 我想四年後台大外文系五十周年(金禧年)同學會一定會辦得非常成功. 真是好人好報. 再謝謝妳! 林莉. 祝福妳及每一位親愛的同學!
Marion (楊梨惠) 上
p.s.不知為什麼我們沒有北二女畢業紀念冊. 我沒有,因出國後沒幾年家中失火, 一切我過去的文件都燒毀. 但也沒有一位同學找到一本紀念冊. 校方因Privacy law不願給我們名單. 這五十年一聚的Reunion舉步唯艱. 幸有Charly天使般地出現相助, 所以我介紹他給潘明.(Charly,鄭傳志是師大附中保送台大化工系.也是class of '62.)
2012, 06, 22

Dear Marion,
I am so thrilled that we found 劉玉枝, my high school 死黨, I knew they were living in Malaysia somewhere. I will definitely coming to the Taida reunion but unable to come for the high school one. The wedding program will last till 10/31 (It’s a wedding ceremony plus the parents golden anniversary, the program was just finalized last week.) I’ll arrange to be in Taipei early November. Just want to confirm with you. Look forward to seeing you all. Just came back from a 4 weeks trip to LA, was sick almost the whole trip. I am trying to rest up at home.
Best, 焯瑩
2012, 06, 22

2012, 06, 22

2012, 06, 23

Carps in the Pond
Hi! Percy:
Amen, Amen to Dio's answer to your comment on my two posts. The Pond of the Carps was posted a few yrs ago when the string theory was popular, I uploaded it again couple days ago.( nowadays, Multiverse hypothesis is dying. so there is no way to use Multiverse to explain away the fine tuning of our Universe.).Thank you so much for your comment. You like scientific way, I do too. Below are 2 of my modest try.
心絃交響 Heartstring Echoes: 上帝的指紋到處都可發現!
最大的公理 ( this one was written for my logic professor long long time ago. to hand in as an assignment.) You surely can use Eleanor to call me, but that was a name I picked on 1st conversation class in our Freshman year from the blackboard in 5 minutes for the sister's convenience to call me when I couldn't even pronounce it correctly. So I do prefer using my mother giving name. Bi-ho. However, no big deal Eleanor is my official name anyway.
Thanks to Dio's explanation, I am very touched and can only say Amen to what he said. That spares me from repeating the answer to you.
BTW, could I put both your comments and Dio's on the comment column in my blog??
May God's truth shine!
God bless!
Eleanor (洪美和)
2012, 06, 23

Decode 羅馬白話字 in my two poems
Dear Clara:
It is God's amazing grace that you two have become devout Christians. Frankly speaking, it was hard for me to imagine that Dio ( I keep thinking his name is Leo, am I very wrong???) would become a believer. Yet nothing is impossible for God. I thank God for both of you.I myself had rebelled against my childhood faith thinking that I was brain washed. When I was a 5th grader, the text book told me about evolution, then I thought there were no God if evolution were true.I had been wandered in Godless desert for 2 to 3 yrs trying desperately to prove if God really exists.

I thank God that He brought me back to His bosom.That is why I have all ears for non-believers' skepticism since I was there I could put my feet in their shoes. That also explains my zeal to spread the Gospel. Here is a word for word translation for our "secret code".  Kenny brought it in, not me. But that is the tool, even the uneducated old women used to read Bible. That includes my maternal grandmother.
Percy probably have no trouble to figure "secret codes" out without translations.
Haha! Here are two links in memory of my aunt & uncle.
心絃交響 Heartstring Echoes:
追思三姨吳蔡杏女士( 附羅馬白話字)
追思二舅蔡愛義醫師( 附羅馬白話字)
As you suggest, perhaps we in the Nothern Cal should have a mini reunion too. We'll definitely think about it.
God bless you and yours,
Eleanor ( Bi-ho )
2012, 06, 23

   很欽佩你花不少時間做一個部落格。你們都很會思想和寫作,我只能提供一個 link 給你的部落格。
   從一個 “對宗教冷感和對基督教排斥”的物理學家,變成一個耶稣的見證人,他說 - “神不是只向世人表明他是真理,他要人知道:神就是愛,這是比真理更大的事。” 以下是真情部落給他的視頻專訪,介紹給你的讀者。時間稍微長一點,但是蠻好看,也蠻感人的。我讀過好多科學家信主的故事,但這個是我們親自接觸的一位 (其實從1985-2000之間,我們所接觸的大都是理工科的研究生信主的)。
   裏面也有嘉書和我與他們夫婦的合照,那是1985年代的模樣 :)TDWW66 的同學們,閑暇時也可以浏覽一下。
2012, 06, 23


曹文彬 敬上
2012, 06, 23


Dear Classmates,
(Forgive me for not writing in Chinese characters as I never learned how to type in Chinese)
It is wonderful to suddenly be able to read so many emails from all of you after nealy five decades. Life is really uncertain, isn't it!
Firstly you probably wouldn't know who Ian Chen was. Some of you might however, remember Adolph Chen and that was me. The reason I changed my name has to go back to the early days when I joined the diplomatic services and got posted to New Zeland in 1970. On one of the occasions, I was introduced to a lady in the New Zealand Foreign services. Upon hearing my name as 'Adolph', she drew a long breath and could not hide her horror and almost shouted, Really!?
Later on to my amusement and some embarassment, I discovered that 'Adolf' (same pronunciation) was Hitler's given name!! (no joke really!).
I did not stay with the Foreign Services for too long before migrating in 1973 to New Zealand to marry my wife, a Malaysian Chinese student who I got to know in 1970. Initially I was working for the NZ gov't. They permitted me to study part-time for certification as a chartered accountant. After the qualification I started my corporate career, working for different international companies such as Ford, Mobil, Citibank and Fortis (European). I had a stint working back in Taiwan in 1997-2000. I have been retired for two years. In the last 20 years or so, I have been interested in practicing meditation.
It was fascinating to read all different personal accounts of mainlanders, taiwanese, malaysian chinese, or overseas chinese. The split of China into China mainland and Taiwan has of course been a tragedy, specially so for many who personally suffered the trauma.
One dimenson I'd like to present to the classmates is what I have learned in my association with Buddhists of all different schools (akin to denominations in Christianity). As a family we support seriously practicing monastics from all denominations (Chinese, Thai, Burmese, Sri Lankans, Ensligh etc). And it is so interesting to learn the stories of several well practicing monks revealing their past lives. There is currently an Australian monk (in his 40's) whose teacher (I know both of them) revealed that both have been Chinese, Tibetan, Thai and Australian. What I am trying to say here is not about the psychic powers but about the connections of people to their previous lives irrespective of nationalities. (Christian friends please pardon me for raising the topic of rebirth). In other words, what nationality we have or where we come from is convenient for conventional identification and I guess little else more than that. I guess we all enjoy being in the company of people who are warm, considerate, generous, gentle and wise irrespective of their nationalities or ethnic origins. You never know, a Jewish person could become a Palestinian in his next life and vice versa... (I have come across several Jewish monks and nuns in the last 20 years).
Kind regards to all of you,
Ian Chen (陳雍健)
2012, 06, 23

Hi, 元评,
Thanks for taking time to answer me. I guess we can always make the best of it no matter where we end up to be. Last month in Taipei, I had the chance meeting some of our classmates and somehow Gilbert mentioned your being in Malaysia. I told him that our class was too big and we did not have much chance to talk to everybody, so it is fun to pick that up after all these years. 
Jokes on the side, still, we love our Chinese root. In 1989  I remember getting so excited about what's happening in China, anticipating something historically significant. So I collected the fliers and artifacts , with the addition of documents obtained through some diplomatic pouch, we then founded the Tienman Archive in the Research Libraries. Was interesting to find those underground pubns, like investigative journalism. Sure I wouldn't pick up that project if I weren't Chinese myself.
Talking about the love for Taiwan, a friend just send me this
Take care,
Lucy (貢小萍)
2012,06, 23

我們在這裏,好像 也是 “華人” 最通用。尤其去到Chinatown, 我們以前叫那兒的人 “唐人” (指那些多年前從廣東來,在此好幾代的)。他們也不問我們是台灣人,還是大陸人,還是中國人,統稱 “華人”,就一切都解決了。如果要特意講得很清楚,“我是。。。。人”,那反而要惹來麻煩或“不平等待遇”,哈。
至于去China,許多年前我去培訓,(就是去教聖經課),被附近的人告發,所以宗教司和便衣警察來調查。拿了我的護照看了半天,算我是美國人,不合法在國內傳教;我說我是中國人,他們說你的護照看來你是常去台灣的。我告訴他們,我是道地的中國人,因爲我出生在貴州。這樣他們就沒法“辦”我了,因爲本地人傳教/教聖經都是合法的。立刻就變得很客氣,送給我一張名片,請我盡管去觀光,如果遇到甚麽困難或需要,可以打他的電話,他一定會替我解決。幾個轉折 “我是甚麽人”,化危機爲福氣。蠻有意思的。
2012,06, 23

Lately the discussions/ opinions regarding who we are/religion become the interesting topic exchanges thank to your initiation. After reading all the fine articles, it also made me realized how well spread & knowledgeable many of the classmates are. Having been living in the small rural towns across America ( we had moved 7 times from 1969-1987 ) with rather simple life ( it consists following our children's activities, my regular church attending also playing in the tennis league USTA for the past 25 years & still on going ) I found my life rather dull compared to most of you. I chose to be at staying home Mom until my youngest went to college, then worked about 7-8 years for an Interior Design Firm until our first grand child was born. compared to most of you I truly don't have anything to show. I admired & even to a point of envious of all the people ( especially ladies ) that have wonderful career, seemingly very accomplished in their own fields, The most I can boast is out 3 children, & even that is not so unique, for every body's children are all doing well & are the pride of their parents. That  being said, I have a wonderful life, married to an Engineer ( also TaiDa graduate, very gentle & patient ) for 43 years...Can't it be more boring than that?!  ha-ha
I was born in a Chistian family, my Mom was a devoted Elder in our local Presbyterian church, I thought I always have the deep root of Christian faith, however lately I've been struggling with my journey of faith, I was so very happy for Clara & Dio of their  finding Christ ( I found we are in roles reversal from my college time, they were the one didn't understand my Christian faith then at TaiDA where I attended the Grace baptist church regularly ) How lives take an interest turn for us... They are the one encourage me now a day to never give up ( I myself also believe that the faith my Mom rooted in me will always be a good foundation for me to build on rest of my life! )
Now come to what I meant to say at first place about "who are we?  Being one of a few Chinese living in majority of Caucasian community, also the sole member of Chinese origin at Church/choir/tennis league, I sometime don't even feel the differences much, ( whether it is good or bad ) of course if I was asked I usually answered that I am a Chinese but was born in Taiwan, later came to the States & have been living in USA for the last 47 years, that usually will pretty much satisfied them.
As being a Chinese & also a Taiwanese, ( it only depends on where you were born ) I don't see the conflict or to make a big deal out of it,  just like I hold the American passport as well as Chinese one, but deep down I know my origin is China.
OK that's my humble thought for today:!)
YOU'LL ( with good Southerner's drawl!! ) have good  a good weekend!!
Wanda, 雲娥
2012,06, 23

我的太太是基督徒,家裡常常接待傳道人,梁燕城、遠志明來澳洲佈道都在我家住過,我非常珍惜有機會和他們深談,最近『紐約新城歸正教會』(Reformed Church of Newtown)的陳永建牧師來我家,我還特別拉他到我書房談了兩個小時。
2012,06, 23


Hi Martin,
Great article on religion and philosophy. When did you write this and what publication did you have it in? And when did you become such a deep thinker?!  :-)
It'll take me some quality time to take in and digest your thoughts. I'm a student of the Bible and I'm also quite interested in learning about other religions and religious thoughts. Do you mind if I ask you some questions when I am ready?
Wishing you and yours the best,
2012,06, 23

Hi! Martin:
Thank you for sharing with us your long article and your last visit to Shinghai too . I've enjoyed reading them and need to digest this one deeper. As usual, you are a great thinker and philosopher among us.
I am so glad to know that your wife is a Christian and your mother-in-law too. It is nice to hear that quite a few Christians do give you positive impressions in the past. Glad to know that you do have deep talks with a few famous preachers.
Since you are talking about Zen,禪宗, I think I will resend this link of a real story I translated below to you again so our other college classmates can read too..
Hopefully, Percy  and other classmates will also comment on the articles from these following links. The last link is very brief and worth trying.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
我是否失去我的腦袋 ?
May God's truth shine on you all!
2012, 06, 23

I have read thru your essays on religion. I must praise you for being able to dig so deeply into he topic, and write about it with such a rhetorically precise touch.  What's more important for me o have read your viewpoints is that you more or less spell out the same ideas I have but cannot escribe myself for lack of professional training like you.  I like that and appreciate it.
Dio,  cc: Eleanor,
I appreciate your taking so much pain and time in explaining to me the great love and work God ntends for us the average human beings.  However, I still don't think it a good idea for anybody, or even the almighty God, to think of what is good for a poor human being, or in a more extreme case, the carps.
Don't feel offended, or consider it a blasphemy, if I tell you truthfully what I think just for the sake of arguments.
In my whole life, I've never liked authority of any kind and in any form. Political dictatorship is a conspicuous form of absolute authority. We all know what kind of damage it can do to humanity.
Oftentimes it's less obvious, or is in disguise, as in the case of parental interference in the marriages of the childrenn in the name of love, a situation which could ruin a child's life.  I must confess to you that I've witnessed too many cases among my relatives whereas the parents dictate their children's choices of school, field of study, vocation and future spouse, only to end up in tragedy.
Maybe I shouldn't make such a comparison, but I can't help thinking about the Big Brother in George Orwell's famous novel "1984" when you describe God's big plan for us human beings.
When I hear that if I don't purge my sins, I will go to hell instead of heaven, I feel 有点怕怕。
Eleanor, I was not talking about the multi-universe.  I'm promoting the concept of "infinity" of time, of space and of dimensions.  
Dio says that infinity is only a thought, not a reality, to which I don't quite agree. 
Sigma (Sorry I cannot type the sign here in hotmail environment) is an infinitisimo symbol widely used in math.  Without its actual use, we cannot appply to calculus's theory and  compute the volume of a sphere.  We can only say that it's a reality we don't fully understand and thus don't know how to handle.
To me, space and time are both definitely infinite -- there is no 2nd possibility. That dimensions are also infinite is a more difficult concept to understand and to explore. The reason I bring this up here is because it can explain the existence of God better.
Pretty much like us human beings, who exist in a 3- or 4- dimensional world and therefore feel bad about the other "inferior" creatures like ants, carps who live in a less dimensional world.
I think God (maybe a plural not a singular like the Greek gods and godesses) is higher beings who exist in a 6- or 7- dimensional world and feel sympathetic about the lower creatures -- you and me, and tries to recruit us to join him.
Please note this: In my theory, God is only on level 6 or level 7, while the universe is in infinite strata.  I feel more comfortable with the idea of spaceships going beyond galaxies to fathom the other numerous dimensions than only searching up to 6 or 7 dimensions. The Universe of the scientists is bigger and above the God of the Christian world.
I remember at one time, some people have the theory of God being a group of aliens from outer space.  Otherwise, it's very difficult to explain many geological features on the earth.
A prominent example is the huge geographical patterns in some Peru highland that can only been seen and discerned from high above the sky.  What if it is true that God is really an alien?
I'm prepared to accept that any moment it is concretely proved.  Do the miniature Ewoks in the Star War episode "Return of the Jedi" ring the bell for you?
By the way, I have seen the video interview of the Taiwanese physicist Professor 侯维恕。
Perhaps we can discuss that some other time. You may get bored already by this lengthy letter of mine.
2012, 06, 24

Dear Percy,
It is interesting to read your latest email, to say the least!
Boring? Not anything you have to say!
Offended? Fear not, my dear friend! I wasn't born a Christian and I definitely had my years of searching in this arena! :-)
After reading what you had to say, I did feel like crying out to Martin for help! Maybe Professor Martin can help us all by putting your thoughts in a organized frame work so we can have more intelligible discussions.
But for now, let me try to carry on the dialogue the best I can.
You mentioned infinity and infinite dimensions. But hasn't the scientific world pretty much concurred in recent years that there was a beginning point of the space-time continuum of our universe?
You spoke about meddling parents, political dictators, Big Brothers. To me they just represent imperfect people misusing God-ordained institutions and benevolent gifts. Rejecting the good for the abuse of it may be to our own detriments.
You also mentioned the God of 6-7 dimensions. When the cosmological physicists hypothesized the extra dimensions beyond the current four at the initial split second of the Big Bang, they acknowledged that it's what was required for the Big Bang to proceed, but they couldn't possibly articulate what those dimensions meant. To speak of a God of 6-7 dimensions would be an amazing leap of faith!  :-)
As far as those darn aliens, if only they would leap out of our imagination and tell us where in the universe outside of ours they come from and whether they have their God or they somehow had their start of existence from some other aliens from yet another universe! But then, we'd be talking about Multi-universe again. No, can't go there.
And then you mentioned cleansing of sins and the fear of hell. Here we are back down on earth and come in touch with reality once again. If you read the article on Eleanor's blog, 一位深入禅宗醫生的大開悟,you might realize that after all the imagining, theorizing, hypothesizing, philosophizing and soul-searching, an encounter with the personal God who revealed Himself to us through Jesus who walked on this earth for 33 years is what really takes to find meaning of life and to settle the restless hearts like yours and mine. One of the early Christians said it well, "We are made for God. We will remain restless until we find rest in Him."
As I said in my last email to you, sin only means something if there is a personal God who Himself is the standard of goodness. But this God of the Bible is more than good in the moral sense. He is good in that He is love. This divine love is the very nature of the God of the Bible. Out of His love, He created us with freewill so that we can freely choose to love Him. Out of His love He sent His Son to come into our world to live a perfect life and then died on the cross to washing away our sins through our acceptance and trust in Him. (This is called "saving faith" in the Christian language.)
Hell is a terrible place. The worst thing about hell is that it is completely void of the presence of the God of love. It is only there for those who refused to live in the presence of God. As it is well said sometimes that it is either "You want God's will done and spend eternity with God", or "You want your will done and spend eternity without God". The good news Jesus offers is that we can't ever cleanse our own sins, but we don't have to. He already done it for you and me. All we need to do is to accept the work He accomplished on the cross for us.... like a thirsty traveler receiving a cup of water.
Christianity does not speak of "nothingness", because God is real and the reality He created is not an illusion. Christians do not worry about karma or reincarnation, because by the saving grace of God, our heavenly destination is already secured in Christ.
No, my dear friend, you will never offend me by speaking the truth as you go forward in your search for truth and reality. Remember, I was once considered hopeless by many well-meaning Christian friends. But look at me now! I can't help wanting to share the best news in the world with my friends. I just hope I don't sound to preachy!  :-)
May the good ex-Zen Jewish doctor's enlightening discovery be the blessing for you as well.
Dio 杨嘉書
P.S. I can hardly wait for the reunion tomorrow!
2012, 06, 24

I enjoy reading 禪宗醫生的大開悟. To me, any personal testimony is always a good sermon. It appears that this Jewish doctor has a way of switching his faith from Judaism, to Zen, and finally to Christianity. I hope this is his final stop.
During my long journey of truth-seeking, I have been to Hawaii (one month), Nagoya, Japan (three months), Vientiane, Laos (one week,visiting our old friend Hiew Min-kong 丘民光), and China (many times, the latest was to Confucius' birth place, Qufu, last September).
I have long given up the hope of searching for absolute truth. All truths are mediated through historical and cultural contents.
We will have more to say on this in the future.
2012, 06, 24

50年後仍有機會和你在TDWW66 空間站交會是一件挺興奮的事。我忽然覺得年輕起來了,好象是再回到了棕榈婆娑的台大校園。
TDWW66 有2萍 – 貢小萍,趙桂萍,再加上1評 – 蔡元評。
你的大名最順暢,好記, - 大名鼎鼎的鄧小平。我的小名則常被高升 – 北大的蔡元培。我和嘉書50年第一次越洋電話,他佬就“氣急敗壞”的叫我蔡元培,好樂!
你信中說,被人問起身份時非得“長氣“一點不可: "I was born in China, grew up in Taiwan, but living in the States."。 我們這些同年的,幾乎都得以這種3段式的身份來告訴別人,也告訴自己:我是什麽人?
期望你多多參與TDWW66 空間站,方便的話,貼上一下資料讓大家歡喜好嗎。
2012, 06, 23

玄圃 and 元評,
I need to redirect my previous thanks to 玄圃  for writing me. My apology for making the mistake, no excuses. I must admit that I could not make out who is who just by English names. But I do remember you 玄圃 from our class, and your English seemed much better than some of us then. and may still be. I did read all your mails carefully and enjoyed them.
 And then my thanks again to 元評 for letting me know my mistake and still let me feel welcome. You can say you are related to 蔡元培, why not, that's funny. I was named 小萍, because I was born at a time of  war, being rootless, drifting and wandering. Again here, if I would tell my western friends that my name is "duck weed", can you imagine how elegant that would sound? I like your Chinese writing, what can be more expressive? so much fun.
To finish up what I told you about that special collection I helped founded. Years later, The Chinese Premier Giang Tze-Ming was meeting President Clinton in NY and chose our Research Library on 5th Ave. as meeting place. It so happened that we were having an exhibit displaying those items. Chinese delegation immediately protested and switched to our other branch called "Lincoln Center", that was the national news for that day.
About a month ago Gilbert told me that only 4 classmates answered his mails, I told him that we can only reach out for others, but it is up to others if they will take our hands. Gilbert put in so much effort, so we wanted do our part as well, and I can see that's going very well.
Will write again soon, let me wish  all our classmates 佳節平安吉祥, today is Lunar 5/5.
2012, 06, 24

Hi Lucy,
It's easy to get mixed up not just for you. For me too, especially with so many of you female classmates whose English first names are difficult enough to remember already, much less with the adopted last names from your spouses.
To keep myself from addressing a wrong person in the emails, I have made myself a list of the Chinese/English full names of all female classmates with their correct email address spellings.  (Sweating n !)
In my memory, Lucy, your are a real lady with natural kindness to people and has a big heart.  Not knowing you enough, perhaps, when we were young, I somehow always look to you as a perfect image of 賢妻良母。Let me guess:Your blood type s "A," right? 
Talking about the last names of spouses, could we know a little bit about your better half Mr. Tang (湯 or 唐 ? ) ?  I saw your picture Gilbert took on Taida campus, but I don't remember seeing any pictures of your family, your husband and kids.  Please send some and delight us.
Let me tell you this: I'm extremely interested in your collections of the Tiananmen Square Incident.  I will love to see them someday if you will be kind enough to allow me.  Only a fortnight ago, I watched an ABC TV program online called "The Tank Man," commemorating the 23rd anniversary of the 6-4 Incident. I still remember vividly watching live on Taiwan's TV news program in 1989 the day it occurred via a CNN satellite casting.  I lived in Taipei 1988-1993.
Take care, Lucy
PS. to Gilbert Pan:  I think you committed a typo of the email address of 黃仲珊,and that's why he did not reply to you sooner because he didn't  receive your email at all.  Could you rectify all records with 02?
    To 林莉 : I've read your explanation of your name and your siblings'.  Quite  a remarkable and enchanting story!  We really cannot thank you enough   for helping us with the Blog site. 
By the way, my daughter also  went to 復興小學and初中,高中在景美女中。
2012, 06, 24

你那份a list of the Chinese/English full names of all female classmates with their correct email address spellings.  趕快copy貢獻大家. 阿彌陀佛!
2012, 06, 24

1. 所有人的Email Address一打開郵箱,CC欄上面都有,不必重打,因爲老了!
2. 名單上只列了16位,是目前爲止有發言的,需要回信的,其他的先不必列出,真的懶了!
3. 後續來的,等出現時再加到名單上,而且可以獲得再折磨一次的機會,不是樂了?
4. 至于以後再也不會出現在來往郵件上的,那就免了!
Percy 藍玄圃
2012, 06, 24

Thank you for your effort and wonderful work done. I teach at the Department of Statistics, Temple University, and live in a northern suburb of Philadelphia. Please let me know when you come to Philadelphia area.
Best wishes,
William W.S. Wei (魏武雄)
2012, 06, 25

I actually need to thank you too ( for the list of name from our class ), it is from your mail below acknowledging Percy for his great work in compiling the list, that I saw the list of names. Some how I never received the original mail with list of names from him ( did you send it to everybody, Percy? ) anyway, I like to thank both of you, now I had the list printed out, it certainly made the job of identifing who is who much easier..
Sorry not to be able to meet you in your meeting with some of the classmates during your visit to S Cal.last May, I myself will be going out there next month, may be during that time there will be enough people get together for yet another small reunion ( may be on July 28th ). In any case, I promised Clara & Pan that I'll try calling them this afternoon while they are all at Angela's house, am sure they will be having wonderful time!!
So you have been living in HK, for how many years? My younger daughter had moved to work in HK from Dubai last November, this last March my husband & I had a chance visiting her for a few days ( wish I had known that you live there, may try to meet you then ) was actually my first visit to HK.
After writing away for a while, suddenly I asked "does she remember who am I? " So here it is, I'm 許雲娥, we didn't hang out much in college, but I think we knew each other well enough, I still remember vividly the way you looked in college, ( I also saw the picture of your gathering last May, had to admit that probably have taken a while identifying every of you if I wasn't told first, after all,  it's been more that 45years, we certainly aged but gracefully don't you think;-!/?)
Great to be back connecting with most of the classmates, at least through internet....
Take care, hope we meet one day soon!
2012, 06, 25

星光熠熠 624
和10位TDWW66人在SKYPE 空中見面很緊張,10對1,陰盛陽衰,有點像相親的樣子。
2012, 06, 25

我1967年到美國讀書的第一站就是舊金山,Mrs Jones 介紹我到她舊金山教會的美國朋友Mrs Mather 處住兩天,再搭乘Grey-hound bus到南伊利諾大學的Carbondale(週六出發,星期一才抵達),就有教會的人來接待我,目前我的書房書架上還有這對傳教士夫婦的相片,所以我和基督教有不解之緣與複雜關係。
2012, 06, 25

Hi all,
我還以爲會見到你,可惜你已經先回家,不然我們就有的聊了!看起來你一直很穩定住在Berkeley, 希望下次同學會能碰到你。請代我問候你老公,他可能還記得我。
我想在同學之中,我是第一個認識你老公的,對不對?Take care!

2012, 06, 25

春輝 ,
I am glad to hear from you too.  I am sorry for the delayed reply to your email.  I had internet connection problems yesterday and this morning in Beijing.  Yes, we should have a reunion for the northern California classmates.  I will call you when I get back to SF. You mentioned we have nine people here but I am not sure if your list matches mine. Here is my list:
陳明雲: Fremont
黃美彌: I heard she is in the Bay Area but not sure where she lives
黃顯意: Walnut Creek
黃乃漢: San Francisco
李麗珍: San Jose
徐曼玲: Berkeley
黃仲珊: used to live in Sacramento but not sure if he is still there.
I've talked to 陳明雲, 黃顯意, 黃乃漢, 李麗珍 and 徐曼玲 in the past two months.  Some south bay people prefer to have the reunion near where they live.  If most of the people prefer to have it in the south bay, I can pick up 黃顯意 and 徐曼玲 at the Daly City BART station and give them a ride should both of them decide to come.  We can talk about the details when I return to SF.
I have experienced a similar problem with 潘明's yahoo email address before, so I always add his gmail account to ensure at least one reaches him.
I can imagine you and the other classmates in the reunion must have had a great day yesterday, full of laughter and fun there. 
Although I did not keep in touch with most of our classmates over the past 46 years, I did hear about your marriage to 嘉書 from 劉虛心 who was my schoolmate in the US.  I was very happy for the two of you when I heard about it because I always remember you as a happy pair together.  You might not know I saw you and 嘉書 on a bicycle together near the main library several times. One time, it looked like 嘉書 tried to scare you by wiggling the steering handle of the bicycle but you were just giggling on the back seat.  Do you still remember those fun days?  Time does not change your bright, beautiful smiles at all - they remain the same in the May reunion pictures as they were during our college years. 
2012, 06, 25

春輝 and I were talking about a reunion for our northern California folks.  After I sent my email to 春輝, I learned that you are coming to San Francisco in late August to visit your daughter. What a coincidence!  I hope you can join us in the reunion.  Please  let us know when you are coming and how long you are staying so we can arrange our reunion to accommodate your attendance.
黃雪蘭 Shelley Sun
2012, 06, 25

Hi! Martin:
I am very excited to hear that you are coming to SF to visit your daughter.
I do live in SF Bay Area in Livermore. ( more than an hour's driving distance from SF but that is a manageable distance)
My two daughters live in Bay Area too. For that, I am very thankful. We babysit our two granddaughters every Mon. Tues. when their mom works part time. Every classmates here like to know when you are coming? Me too.
My church has just announced a bus trip retreat (8-25/26) I hope you stay longer in SF. And the reunion Shelly is talking about, hopefully not in those two days.( unless that is the only possible dates in your busy schedule in SF stay.)
Yesterday I shared some of the excitement of getting connected with our old classmates in my Sunday School class. I mentioned your English name and Australia, guess what? You must be very famous, someone in our class asked immediately if your last name is Lu? ( He is  楊英佑 Do you remember him?) He'd like to get connected with you. I mentioned that  you sent us your scanned in pages, he likes to read them. May I have your permission to forward your published article to him?
I do have fond memories of our college Mrs. Jones'? Bible study Group , Mei-zhi, you, Sally, me,...etc. are all in it. The good news is you may 考慮文化、歷史、真理的問題 thoroughly and rigorously , and still find God is true and He is our Creator God.
It is not a fantasy world as you think, but it is a real though invisible Spiritual world.
Trust me, because of my rebellion against God in my young years and for my skeptical friends, I've done my best to research and study-- to turn every stone I can turn yet still find  objectively God is true like the Sun and subjectively He is true in my life.
Never give up searching for our Creator God, He is very close and Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart. I will definitely pray for you and other friends.
Here below is another modest try from me for your reference.( just 野人献曝)
Looking forward to seeing you in Aug.
God bless you and yours,
2012, 06, 26

Hey Bi-ho, (美和)
I thought you are still living in Seattle area, was thinking may be we can meet up when I go up there in September..
Anyway, sounds like a great reunion in Bay area is brewing quickly, I can only be in Calif.until early August then will return in mid September until October 6 when we are expecting the arrival of our grand daughter, Would have loved to see Martin & Percy when they come to California  after so many years!!
Hope to see all the reunion pictures/video soon! I didn't think about skyping, but was glad to talk to Angela briefly yesterday afternoon, sounded like you all had a blast at the reunion, can't wait to hear more!!
Wanda (雲娥)
2012, 06, 26

玄圃 and 元評,
I better answer this before I lose the trails of  these communications. 
Wasn't going to bore you buys about myself before. I am married, we do not have children, but plenty of nephews and nieces.
My husband,York Tang, 唐友鵬, a graduate from Tufts Dental School in Boston, is an orthodontist. My freshman year roommate from 法學院 reunion last month in Taipei jokeed that he was good-looking like a pilot, I told her that his father was a general in the Air Force, flying B-24 bomber in WWII fighting the Japanese and wounded many times. (We do not have " recent" picture, please wait a little )
We now go back to Taiwan more often because of his aging mother, who lives close to his brother, a surgeon in the Veterans Hospital.
Besides regular office work, which is now scaled back gradually, we tried to make more time for ourselves, like doing charity, traveling. We do travel a lot, so don't be surprised if I call on you one day.
玄圃 you will be most welcome to visit New York. And I'll definitely show you the library. Too bad you did not come when I still worked there, because I had free access to many things then like the closed stacks. NYPL has many closed stacks, including the whole underground beneath the Bryant Park which is adjacent to the Main Building.
And my blood type is O, surprised? what is yours? There is a lot we can discover about one another among us all, like all these in depth thinkings about life, God, universe,,,,which I always find intriquing.
元評, I liked what you said about three "Pings",it is wonderful that we can get to know one another now. We all 5百年前是一家. Talking about  names, let me  share this with you. My cousin when lecturing in China recently, he was Dean of Electrical Engineering Dept. in Princeton University, was shown genealogical record that our last name 貢,came directly from 子貢.. As a successful  man in 政商 ,he  was able to 分廷亢禮 with the kings (He was equal with the king, this was the origin of this idiom), and the name 貢was given by the king to 子貢's oldest grandson and decendents. Confucius Temple started with 子貢 守喪 for 3 years near tomb. 
Sure I have bored some people by now, but you two can not complain, I hope.
Greetings to all classmates , glad that 6/24 reunion is a big success. I could recognize Dio and Clara immediately from the last seen pictures, really not much change, Wanda's word "graceful" is it.
Wish you all well,
Lucy 貢小萍
2012, 06, 26

I am always curious about your last name and glad to know the history. I have not met anyone with your last name.
My uncle 左 who was also a pilot of bomber in WWII, but, he passed away many years ago. I assume that he may know your father-in-law.
As you may know that at least 3 of your college classmates are air force related.
I assume that your husband was from one of the air force elementary school which has the largest class reunion every year.
Charly  鄭傳志 (Chicago),  ChE66
2012, 06, 26

Eleanor / Shelley
楊英佑 was my high school classmate at 建國中學 and later became a medical doctor if I remember correctly (his father was also a doctor?) . Yes, you could share my essay with him. I am looking forward to seeing him.
I am scheduled to arrive in S.F. on 25 Aug with my wife and younger daughter who is attending a conference in S.F. city, and after three or four days there we will join our elder daughter and her family living in Union City.
Our itinerary is already planned. So I am afraid I could not participate in your retreat. But after moving to Union City our time will be more flexible around the beginning of September. I have cousins living near Riverside (Ontario Airport), L.A. I would like to make a trip to L.A. to visit them and also meet up with our classmates there.
2012, 06, 26

Martin and Bi-ho,
I don't know 楊英佑, but, I heard the name many times, Carl Young 楊英佑 (current Vice President of Northern Calif. BSFX 北師附小 Association),  and surprise to know he is MD since he was in TaiDa EE65.
Charly  鄭傳志 (Chicago)
2012, 06, 26

Hi! Charly:
Thank you very much for your help to our college class re-co

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