Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 7708





寄件者: Ku, Joanne
日期: 2006/3/15 上午 6:48
主旨: Finding friend


I am glad to contact high school classmates after graduated 30 years. I am 北一女 76G. I am looking for my husband's best friend in 建中76G, but I won't be able to log on to 76 建中通訊錄. I have been trying the Username: XXXX Password: XXXX but it won’t work. Please help me! Thanks!


寄件者: Grade 4 Moderator
收件者: "Ku, Joanne"
日期: 2006/3/15 下午 7:56
主旨: Re: Finding friend

Sorry, every group has its own password for its directory. XXXX and XXXX is for common protection to block search engine. Please give me the ID or name of the person you are looking for. I will look it up for you as soon as I receive it. I also need your ID to do better service. I just talked to Isabel, your directory coordinator, this afternoon. Obviously, including you, 1976 BEINU alumni, in my mailing list has already made some of your schoolmates panic and created unnecessary problem for Isabel(楊汝皓). I will stop sending you girls the stuff I think you might be interested in. If you wish to stay in my mailing list, please specify your name, ID and phone number. I will create a much smaller file for 1976 BEINU graduates who like to receive my emails.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Lin Li


寄件者: Ku, Joanne
收件者: Grade4 Moderator <>
日期: 2006/3/16 上午 12:41
主旨: RE: Finding friend

Hi Lin,

Sorry to create inconvenience for you. I'm happy to receive the mail from Isabel and very naive to contact my schoolmates, including elementary and middle schools' classmates whom I haven't heard for 30 years. I understand your situation and appreciate your help in maintaining the networking system to keep everyone connected. I personally don't mind releasing my info and receiving the mail from you. Actually, I appreciated your mail about the info that you have on hand. Please keep me on your mailing list. Thanks!

I am 76G 1521 鄭秀瓊.and currently working at Roche Molecular Systems in NJ. I'm looking for 柯志行 He is my husband, 顧德惠's (he did not graduate from建中.) best friend in elementary school. If you have 柯志行's contact information, please ask him about 顧德惠 and let him decide to contact us or not. Following are my husband's contact information:

De-Hui Wayne Ku (顧德惠),

My husband has been thinking about finding 柯志行for years and he will highly appreciate your help.



2006, 03, 16 13:30

02 googled “柯志行”, 繁體中文網頁只有二則,其中僅一則有可能﹕

CWRU Taiwanese Student Association (凱斯西儲大學台灣同學會)
柯志行, 崇貿科技股份有限公司, 協理, 柯亭竹, 台灣積體電路股份有限 公司/研發處, 主任工程師, 柯賢文, 何雅貞, 中科院, 技監研究員, 柳秋芳, 長庚護專護理科, 講師 ... - 233k - 補充資料 -庫頁存檔-類似網頁

02一看﹐“Case Western"﹐不是他﹐還是誰﹖(02的直覺﹐很準的﹗)



下午5﹕00終於和柯志行講上話。他一直不能理解﹐怎麼可能一個太太會這麼記得要替先生尋找先生掛念的朋友(他真是小看我們女性了。)。他告訴02﹐事實上﹐他只和一位老同事有聯絡﹐就是分機100的吳先生。雖然我倆都認為﹐如果發生在自己身上﹐我們會選擇傳話﹐而不直接release電話號碼﹐但都非常感激吳先生的信任﹐省去很多麻煩。02認為是因為02說話的誠意感動了好心的吳先生﹐他可不是什麼人都給的。這讓02想起﹐有一次02聯絡一位 74建中學長﹐母親接的電話﹐據說她從來沒有給過任何人兒子在美國的電話號碼﹐最後﹐她還是給了02號碼。02一和那位學長說上話﹐馬上請他打電話回家﹐告訴母親02不是壞人﹐免得老人家擔心受騙。02對於人家莫名的信任﹐除了感謝社會上還是有人願意冒險相信他人﹐也更是兢兢業業﹐不敢讓人失望。除了誠意﹐冥冥中﹐真的有老天在幫忙﹐否則02怎麼忽然會有雙奶油桂花手﹐亂按分機﹐也可以撈到僅有的一位還和柯志行有聯絡的老同事。那天我倆都認為應該去買樂透。02還發現柯志行是建中18班﹐台大土木系畢業﹐與老哥01完全一樣。真是很有緣。


2006/03/16 07:25 PM

Dear Ku;

Hold your breath. This is 柯志行.

If you are THE 顧德惠 who was my best friend in elementary school in Keelung/Taiwan, this e-mail would worth millions ...

It's been 40 years !!!!!!

Terence Ke 柯志行




2006/03/17 10:40 AM
Dear Lillian;

Just received e-mail from Mr. Ku.

We finally get in touch with each other after 40 years ... all because of you.

Thank you very much !!

Terence Ke

有一件詭異的事﹐在此順便記錄一下。02為撰寫此文﹐20日又google了一次“柯志行”﹐居然那二則訊息都消失了。02第一次發現這種歷史資料消失情事 ﹐也就是﹐如果02拖到20日才著手尋找柯志行﹐恐怕不會如此順利﹐不得不認為背後是有一股力量在協助02。

02 於03/20/06



2007, 07, 08 台北





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