Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 7880


1975 建中20班


02與1975 建中20班的淵源


3月13日心血來潮,重拾75級建中通訊錄,選了16及17班繼續02的尋人之旅。有好幾位藍色註記Pending for verification的同學都在學術界。用email發給幾位教授,徵詢是否1975年畢業自建中。其中一位在中央大學機械工程系任教的楊建裕最高竿,他在14日回了個email給02。

主旨: Class 16 of 1975 Chien Kuo High School
2006/03/13 09:43 PM
Hi, Dr. Yang,

I am looking for a 1975 Chien Kuo graduate, 楊建裕. I am wondering if you are the one I am looking for.
Please let me know regardless you are or not. If yes, I will send you 1975 Chien Kuo directory, otherwise I will stop bugging you.

Thanks for your time.

Lin Li
(1975 First Girl High, Su Ban)
主旨: Re: Class 16 of 1975 Chien Kuo High School
2006/03/14 01:41 PM
Hello Lin Li:

Yes, I am the person that you are looking for. I am so surprised and delighted to have your message. Actually, I connected to the grade-4 blog via searching your e-mail address. Thank you for your effort on recalling these old friends. Please let me know the coming activities information of the Alumni Association. I will be pleased to join it. Hope to have your message soon.

Chien-Yuh Yang (楊建裕)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:48 PM

1. Could you show me how to get on Grade 4 BLOG by searching my email address?
2. May I have your phone number to put on the directory? I got 03- 426-7347 x 34347 from school website. I don't think it is correct.
3. Nice to hear from you.

Lin Li
2006/03/15 01:31 PM
1. Just put your e-mail address in google search. Then you will find your name in the 四年級部落格-新浪部落.Isn't it so easy?
2. My office phone number is: 03-4267347 or 03-712151 ext 34347,home phone number is 03-XXXXXXX,and my address is 桃園縣中壢市中央大學機械系.
3. Nice to hear from you too.
Some of my friends',黃啟聖(class12),蔡少農(16),張鴻鈞(not list),黃世華(24),information is not correct. Do you need me to get it for you?

Chein-Yuh Yang (楊建裕)

Lin: 2006/03/15 10:16 PM
Yang: 2006/03/16 02:07 PM
Lin: Are you sure the following is correct? I thought there should be 7 digits after area code.
03-712151 ext 34347 ?
Yang: Sorry, I am too old to have correct typing. It should be 03-4217151 ext 34347. Since our department uses an auto telephone transfer system, dialing 03-4267347 is enough.
Lin: 張鴻鈞(not list): I believe he is 2013. We got typo on his last name. Used to be 強鴻鈞.
Yang: That's funny. You are as old as I am.
Lin: Can't find 黃啟聖's ID.
Yang: His ID is1239.
Lin: 榮覇實業 for 蔡少農?
Yang: This was correct but he has just closed that company and started a new one.
Lin: 台北富邦銀行財富管理總處資深協理黃世華 ..................Is this him?
Yang: No, he moved to the USA 20 years ago.


後排:林 莉、何莉芸、廖美豐、陳雲紋。前排:林欽良
寄件人: 林欽良
主旨: 轉遞 Re: 03/25 12:00 建中64學年20班同學會 <= 還有 林莉 !!
2006/03/21 02:09 PM

2006/03/21 12:48 PM
Dear Classmates,

提醒大家, 本週六中午我們有約. 參加人員再加蔡毓琦及周必泰兩位.

時間 : 2006年 3月 25日, 週六 12:00
地點 : 宋廚 ( 台北市最好的北京烤鴨餐廳之一, 一位難求 )
台北市忠孝東路五段15巷14號(近市府捷運站) 02-2764-4788
費用 : 每人 NT$ 800

See you.

Edward (王文德)
2006/03/22 10:14 AM



去年十二月前曾嘗試 google 20班的「魏哲詠」,得到下列訊息。

Jerry Wei i魏哲詠Tel: (219) 271-9580 Email: jwei@nd.edus Lexington, KY Daniel Tai 戴信雄Tel: (606) 223-8704 Email: Louisville, KY WC Wu 吳 文秋牧師Tel: (502) 893-9532 Email: Detroit, MI ... mcca/WinterConference/contact.htm - 19k - 庫頁存檔 – 類似網頁

立即called (219) 271-9580、發Email: jwei@nd.edus 均失效,只好擱置一旁,以後有空再去找戴信雄、吳文秋牧師打聽。

和林欽良通了個電話,抱怨他們已有好些稍早註記藍色待確認同學己確認是或不是,卻不告訴02,讓02仍然花時間在那些己查證資料上面 (02最近又聯絡上二位24班同學,周峻慧及范姜群暐,都是己知02在找他們卻等在那,耗費02許多時間在此類不必要的搜尋上。) 。提到魏哲詠,咸認名字特殊,不容易有同名同姓的人。林欽良建議可以試著找找看他弟弟魏黃琮。掛了電話,02決定再試一次。終於發現nd是Notre Dame。於是直接上University of Notre Dame網站,搜尋Faculty and Staff,鍵入Jerry Wei。留話在574-631-5460。雖然沒和魏哲詠說上話,已篤定此Case己closed。距離和林欽良通話不到一小時。
主旨: Thank you!
2006/03/22 03:03 AM

Dear Steve (Chin Liang):

First, I apologize that I do not have a Chinese word processor.
Second, I need to thank your colleague Ms. Lillian Lin for the emails she sent and the phone message she left. Without her effort, I could not have known the 30-year Reunion event and re-connect with you. The web blog she created is really fascinating. It would be truly amazing if she maintains this log as on a part-time or volunteer basis besides her work at your bank.

If my memory serves me right, the last time I saw you were when you just
married and worked at Citi Bank that was close to my house. It must be
about 20+ years ago. I do not recall I have any contact with any classmates in past 20 years, except that I met Chen Minde a few times in conferences because we both teach in Business Schools (He is in MIS, I am in Production/Supply Chain Management). I have been teaching at Notre Dame since 1987, and the link below shows my offical web page with a recent photo.

My wife stays home to manage three children, age 17, 15, and 13. You knew my brother Gary. He is now working at the New Jersey headquarters of U.S. branch of Formosa Plastics Co. (Mr. Wang Yung-Ching's enterprise).

I hope things are well with you at work and at home. I would love to know more about what you are doing.


Jerry (Che-Yung) (魏哲詠)
Reply: Thank you! <= "Wonder Woman" Lillian has just completed another mission impossible for us!! We all thank her very much.
2006/03/22 12:11 PM
Dear Jerry (Che-Yung),

Oh dear! You have been found and connected. Just hours ago, I discussed with Lillian again over the phone on how to re-connect you or maybe your young brother Gary(Huang Tsun). Somehow I have the impression that you two live in the States. But the States is so big a place to find someone you disconnected for decades.

Very nice to know that every thing has been fine with you and your family. From the website photo, I saw the same Jerry as young and handsome as the one I kept in my memory. There were so many wonderful high school days we spent together.

Both I and my wife are working in the banking business. I'm in Bank SinoPac, one of the few and leading Taiwanese banks which have active business network into Mainland and is heavily invested by foreign institutional investors. Lillian works in the security arm, invested by the same Financial Holding Company as the Bank I work in. My wife, Alice, serves BOT for 20+ years. She actually diversifies the job risk for the family by working in a government owned entity. We have one daughter and one son, aged 20 and 17.

Chen Minde actually joined the 25-year NTUEE Alumni Reunion in Taipei last Christmas. He was my NTU classmate and we can meet each other once in several years when he comes back to Taiwan or when a reunion is being held.

Our high school Class20 mates are getting together March 25, coming Saturday noon. Because of this event and we invited Lillian, Lillian and I came across the topic to continue expanding and updating the alumni contact list. And therefore initiated another run of efforts to locate you. You know the rest.

I have known Lillian since NTU days and she has been always so helpful to the people she knows. She successfully made the unprecedented 12/11/2005 Grand Reunion of Chien-Kuo and Bei-I-Nui after 30 years from schools. Everyone of us who took the great opportunity to join the Grand Reunion are all very impressed and moved by her earnestness to have accomplished this. This is the same and great dreams already kept for long time in many of our hearts that we may be able someday to make enough efforts to re-unite the old-time high school friends.

Since we are re-connected again, just keep in touch. And send my warm regards to your family and Gary.

This mail will be also copy-sent to other Class20 mates who are about to join 3/25 lunch.

Best regards,

Steve (Chin-Liang) (林欽良)

何 平、張束志、張太太




葉文彥、周必泰、張鴻鈞、陳中和、何 平、廖朝曆

参加的同學中廖朝曆是牙醫。何平是導演,從小愛畫畫,大一念東海化工系時就想轉建築系,但東海建築要念五年,還要降轉,只好作罷。大二又想轉國貿,最後雖然化工畢業,研究所還是念了個Master of Fine Arts。從此棄化工,就第八藝術。前一陣子所導演的電視劇「失戀高跟鞋」在台視播放。何平說下次聚會要帶攝影機來為大家拍記錄片。


林 莉 03/31/06

2006/11/24(五)因李中和返台度假﹐於圓山聯誼會中餐廳 舉辦同學餐會,出席同學包
括李中和、陳中和、林欽良、何平、蔡毓琦、張東志、許希賢及王文德等 8人,





2006,12,10 台北  紐約紐約

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