Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 8488




這年頭有個口號﹕“青春不留白”﹐ 年青人都流行拍個沙龍照或寫真集什麼的。我這老不“休”也想湊個熱鬧﹐可是已經顏衰色弛﹐身材走樣﹐拍起寫真集﹐恐怕看起來很抱歉。想了想﹐還好聲音老化的還算慢﹐還沒到上氣不接下氣的地步﹐何不出個個人專輯﹐送給老婆大人做為母親節禮物﹐ 又可讓整天抱著 ipod 的小老美(兒子﹑女兒)們剮目相看﹐何樂而不為﹗

要出專輯﹐ 可得先選歌。又要歌弦律好聽﹐又要適合自己音色﹐太新潮不會唱也不行﹐再加上自己高(音)不成低(音)不就﹐這選歌還真不容易哩。選好了歌﹐可是找不到卡拉 OK CD 怎麼辦﹗嘿嘿﹐天下無難事﹐只怕有心人﹐拜高科技之賜﹐今日網路裡無所不包﹐幾經搜尋﹑研究了一番﹐裝了一個免費軟體 (KaraFun 1.01)﹐買了一點硬體小道具 (一個不連耳機的PC 麥克風﹑一根1/8" stereo miniplug to 1/8" stereo miniplug audio cable) ﹐我的個人錄音室就在我的書房開張了﹗別小看它喔﹐我有一流的樂隊伴奏﹐大牌的歌星助唱﹐而且高興選誰就選誰 (看我從網路愛下傳誰的歌)﹐完全聽命於我﹐豈不快哉﹗

把搜尋來的歌曲和歌詞﹐輸入KaraFun 軟體後﹐ 我的錄音工作就正式開始了。 先煞有介事的把 echo 設定調好﹐把助唱歌星的聲音調低﹐一隻手拿麥克風(先比比架勢﹐提醒自己﹕ 低音輕唱時拿近些﹐ 高音嘶吼時拿遠些)﹐ 一隻手打拍子 (可惜請不到指揮)﹐ 聽著前奏﹐ 一﹑二﹑三﹐唱﹗....&@#$%﹗.... 卡﹗卡﹗卡﹗奇怪﹐怎麼老是要不就提早放砲﹐要不就唱晚了﹐重來﹗唱到一半﹐又唱走了音﹐重來﹗眼看就快唱完了﹐心中默默祈禱﹐讓我順利唱完吧﹐想著﹐想著﹐心一急﹐又唱破了一個音﹐又得重來﹗我的天﹐幾個小時下來﹐口也乾了﹐嗓也啞了﹐一條歌都還沒好好唱完過一遍﹗唉﹗看來歌星這一行﹐也不好幹哩﹗這時才真佩服有人能從頭到尾把歌唱完而不 NG﹐那簡直是奇蹟嘛﹗ 折騰了半天﹐後來才發現新大陸﹐原來這 軟體可以讓人隨時重錄唱壞的部分﹐而不影響其它已錄好的。謝天謝地﹐總算讓我戰戰兢兢的完成第一首“鉅作”- 我的”主打歌“。

唱完了﹐接下來便是 "production stage"。因為是免費版的 KaraFun﹐唱完的錄音﹐只能在線上重播﹐不能儲存﹐那豈不是白費心機﹗沒關係﹐山不轉路轉﹐ 架一條線﹐從這一台電腦的耳機出口﹐連到另一台電腦的麥克風進口﹐一邊放﹐ 一邊錄﹐總算誕生了我個人的第一條 MP3 。

我的專輯CD 問世了 (第一輯﹐三條歌)﹐限量發行的喔 ﹗總共只燒錄了兩張﹐一張嘛獻給老婆 (強迫中獎)﹐ 另外一張嘛﹐隨身攜帶﹐碰到適當的 victim ﹐就把他抓來﹐torture 他耳朵一番﹐嘻嘻﹐人生如此﹐ 夫復何求﹗

放專輯給我女兒聽﹐聽得她矇差差﹕“Dad! What does that mean?"。看樣子﹐我的第二張專輯﹐要唱周杰倫的歌才行﹗那得從現在就開始練 ﹕.... ”如果說懷疑可以造句﹐如果說分離能夠翻譯﹐.....“ (註﹕這是周杰倫 的名歌﹕ ”完美主義“), What the heck! 不通﹗不通﹗這怎能聽嘛﹗ I give up!


其實本人極其少唱卡拉 OK。 因見一些喜歡唱歌的朋友﹐常常因為沒有音樂﹐只能清唱﹐辜負了美麗的聲音。我因此特別作了一點研究﹐在此提供一點我研究的心得﹐給各位朋友作個參考﹐希望能派上一點用場﹐給大家帶來一些歡笑。HAPPY Mother's day!


以下是我目前所用的方法 (它看起來很複雜﹐但試過一遍後﹐就很簡單﹐ and lots of fun)﹕

1. Download KaraFun 1.0.1b (karafun_101b.exe about 4.4 MB) from the following link::

In the "Download KaraFun Karaoke Software" box, click the "KaraFun 1.0.1b".

The KaraFun Home page is at

There are a lot of useful information there, especially the "Help" and the "Forum".

2. KaraFun requires MicroSoft DirectX 9.0c or above.
It (about 46 MB) can be downloaded from

Click the "Download" button to download the directx_dec2005_redist.exe.

3. Install DirectX first and then install the KaraFun

4. Get the songs you want (from web or from your CD's)

Try to get the songs in mp3 or mid (MIDI) format. There are other acceptable formats. However, the .wav or .wma files are not supported (but you could convert them to mp3 with some tool such as iTune). MIDI format was preferred because only with a multiple channel format, the original vocal voice could be completely suppressed.

5. Get the lyrics (Chinese is fine) for the songs.

Edit the lyrics text with a text editor and put a space character for every place that you'd like to have a break. (Note: Make sure to remove all the extra space characters or other white characters.)

6. Run KaraFun Editor (Start -> KaraFun-> KaraFun Editor)

Project -> Music Sources(s) ->Browse
Select the file of the song you downloaded.

7. Import the lyrics and enter the sync’s (A "sync" is a trigger for the lyrics text to have a color change or to have a dot on top of it as in Karaoke)

(You can skip this step if you can remember the lyrics.)

For detail instructions on this step, see

The basic steps are:

Double-click the right hand side of the row "Vertical text" (the second row under the "0.01, 0.02, ..." marks) at the bottom, a text window will show up.

Cut and paste the lyrics into the text area, then press the OK button.

Click the red circle "Record" button at the top tool bar, you will see lyrics flying at the bottom yellow area.

When you see it reaches a point that the first word of the moving lyrics should be landed, press the space key. Continue this until you land all the lyrics.

After the first pass has finished, you may click the green triangle "Play" button.

While it's playing, you may click and drag any misplaced lyrics to the right location.

"File -> Save As" to save what you have done to a .kfn file

8. Run KaraFun (Start -> KaraFun-> KaraFun )

9. Right-click on the top panel (where shows the words "BLOCKS LINE") ->Options
Click the tab "Audio/MIDI". In the bottom section, select the option "Save ...." or the option "Folder" (If you chose this option, you would have to specify a folder).
Then, click the "OK" button.

This is to tell KaraFun save the recorded .wav files so that you can replay them later.

10. Select a ".kfn" file saved in the previous step

11. Get the microphone ready, click the microphone button (next to the red "Record" button) to enable the microphone.

12. Click the Play button, then quickly raise the "VOCAL REDUCER" bar. You may also increase the "ECHO" (by turning the knob clockwise) if desired.

Take a deep breath, get ready to sing, then click the red "Record" button,

If you didn't sing well in some parts, you could drag the horizontal progress bar to any point that you wanted to make a correction and then click the red "Record" button (i.e. to replace the previous recording). As soon as you finish the section you want to fix, drag the progress bar to stop the recording (As soon as you drag the progress bar, the recording is stopped). When you move the progress bar to a different place that you want to fix, you have to click the red "Record" button again to start recording

13. After you are satisfied with your singing being recorded and you want to save your singing together with the music to a file, you may try the following way as I did:

Use a 1/8" miniplug audio cable to connect from your source PC (the one playing the song you just recorded) earphone socket (or line out socket if you have one) to the destination PC microphone (or line in socket if you have one) socket.

(You could connect from the earphone socket to the microphone socket on the same computer but the result quality is not as good.)

On the destination PC, start the Sound Recorder (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Sound Recorder, then press the record button

On the source PC, press the play button and then quickly raise the "VOCAL REDUCER" bar. (Note that the "VOCAL REDUCER" will reduce the background music as well, so you may not want to raise it all the way to the top.)

After the song finishes, stop the Sound Recorder and click "File -> Save As" to save the recording to a file. By default, it's saved in ".wav" format. If you want to save it in MP3 format (It would be better this way because the file size would be much smaller and you could easily put the saved mp3 files into a CD or iPod), you can do "File -> Save As -> Change" and then select the "MPEG Layer-3" Format.

Note: If your Sound Recorder doesn't allow you to record more than 60 seconds, read the instructions in the following link:

14. Congratulations! You made it!


陽光和小雨 sung by 75北一女 1504 

愛就是陽光 愛就是小雨


digital recorder 錄音. 電腦直接放歌曲我就伴著喇叭唱 ... 木兄教的還在研究中, 說來也是克難, 還好電話沒響 ... 錄完後整個file可以用 USB接上電腦, 算是懶人的懶方法! 音高不能變動, 但是可以重覆錄成了合唱 ... 如果姊妹能夠錄 , 歡迎加入一起唱, 之後再傳回來 ....成了好多人的大合唱, 好耶! 等妳們的加入!

青島之歌 introduced by 75北一女 2056



主日敬拜讚美 led by 75 北一女 837

這不是表演﹐而是在主日帶著弟兄姐妹一起來敬拜讚美 神。


神也是透過詩歌來摸著我的心。 這些詩歌比較現代化。 有韓國歌﹐美國歌﹐還有最近華人創作的新詩歌﹐希望你們能喜歡這些新歌。

大兒子特地回來替我們彈 BASE ( 站在我右後方的) 說是給我的母親節禮物。女兒也帶男朋友來聚會"捧場" 做媽的開心是沒話說啦。


陽光與小雨 sung by 76 景美 小黃妹

愛就是陽光 愛就是小雨









親密愛人     sung by 75北一女 1623

















雙人枕頭 sung by 75北一女 1623

































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