Blog Entry: 四年級部落格 ID: 627450


1966 北師附小


1966 北師附小(2)

1966 北師附小(3)

1966 北師附小(4)

1966 北師附小(5)

1966 北師附小(6)

1966 北師附小畢業紀念冊

1966 北師附小通訊錄

1966 北師附小聯絡狀況

1966 女師附小聯絡狀況



I am 陳仲蘅, from Taipei First Girls’ High School. Recently I got in touch with some of my elementary school friends: 徐佳驊, and 臧芷容. I had also met up with 任遵訓 and 魏繩威 (and his wife 劉友梅) 3-4 years ago after the Beinu 35 anniversary reunion in Washington DC.

We are looking for our classmates from 北師附小. Since I do not have my school year book with me, I can only remember a few of my friends from that era. If you know the contact info of any of the following persons, please email me or Peggy Li.

謝 仲
耿 陸

Thank you!!! Have a great reunion. 

Christine Chen (陳仲蘅)
August 4, 2011

Hi Lin Li,

Peggy Li told me about your website. I went in and looked at it. I graduated in 1966 from Bei-shi-fu-Xiao. I only found the link for 1968, which is my sister's year. I am looking for some of my friends. I will send you a letter I wrote to Peggy, and maybe you can help me to find some of them. 

Christine 陳仲蘅
2011, 08, 08



林莉 (AKA 02)
2011, 09, 25

Dear Lilian (林莉),

You are amazing! Thank you so much for doing the detective work. Recently, I have been back in touch with 臧芷容 and 任遵訓, as well as 徐佳驊. I was in touch with 魏繩威 in 2007 and his wife 劉友梅. It's incredible to see these many names after such a long time. On this list, I recognize almost all, except 江行全 and 趙善中.
徐佳驊 and I were also looking for 耿陸, 李兆璿, 楊建瑞, 孟繁芝, 杜建真 and her brother 杜建善, just some names we remembered.

Hi everyone, I am in NYC/NJ area, if you plan to come to the US East coast, please contact me. I will be really happy to see you! If any of you have news or contact info on any of the the persons not in the email list, please contact me or 林莉. 

We may be able to have a class reunion soon!  

Christine Chen 陳仲蘅
2011, 09, 26

謝謝妳花費這麽大工夫為所有的前後期同學尋找校友,真是令人敬偑又感動, 說來慚愧,因為自己的懒(以忙為藉口),過去二十多年和大部分從前在台灣的同學都失了聯絡,直到最近幾年小孩長大離開家,才重新尋找年輕時的老友.  2007參加我太太的高中校友重聚,見到陳仲蘅和任遵訓以及他們的家人,並找到另一位北小66校友李斌,現居波士顿,可惜我只有他的電話,等問到地址和電郵再向大家報告.今年夏天忙小孩結婚及一堆其他雜事, 仲蘅和佳驊兩次來函均未覆,一併致歉.
2011, 09, 26

Hello everyone, this is 施惠寧, a classmate of yours from the 1960s, some 5 decades ago.  It really puts me to shame to learn that so many of you have put in so much time and effort in getting and keeping in touch.  Laziness is not a positive trait.  Unfortunately I can only attribute to this side of me as an explanation for my silence in all these years.  Also, out of laziness I am typing this reply in English. 

I currently reside in the Washington DC area.  Please get in touch (better you than me) when you are headed this way.

2011, 09, 26

Hello All,
My god!!! When all your names popped out on my computer screen (just flew in late night from San Francisco back home in Boston), I was hoping I am not dreaming. This is exciting…. , after 40 some years, we are now reconnected.
Many thanks to Lilian Lin and Christine Chen’s initiatives, and we can look forward to an exciting class reunion in the near future. I live in the Boston area. It seems we have a strong representation in the East coast. But I will be prepared to participate in the big reunion anywhere when it is all set.
Tai K. Liu
2011, 09, 26 (2003年7月21日下午1:28)

Here I am again. I turned my computer power on last night without fixing my clock first. So if the last email was sinking at the bottom of your Inbox dated 2003, you would never read it. I wish I could have easily turned the clock back in 1966, or 1965…… There were so many fond youthful memories in 北師附小 time. Luckily, we are not quite old yet, as all baby boomers tend to think they are forever young. I am confident enough to say that I will be able to remember and recognize each of your face, voice, and smile when I see you again. Let’s plan and look forward to a real reunion to recapture that once our cheerful, innocent childhood time together.
Newton, Massachusetts

Hi Tom 牛慰慈
I am in Wu Han right now. I will be back to Sunnyvale on Oct 15. I am not sure when I will be travelling again, Hopefully we can meet after your trip.
To everyone on the distribution list.
I am glad to see so many familiar names here. I still have some of your 12 year young faces in my memory. I am pretty sure now you are more wise and mature now.
If you are in the Bay area, please let us know. Tom and I will try to find a time to get together here. It will be nice if some of you can join us when we meet. 

2011, 09, 27


Hello everyone,

This is Chen Jong-Heng again. I am also very happy that we got back in touch. I teach in the program of Occupational Therapy in Columbia University Medical Center (where President Clinton had his cardiac surgery a few years back).  I am married, my two sons are 25 and 27, my hubby is a retired French professor of U of Massachusetts--a Frenchman.

I know everyone is busy, but if you send me your current locale, home/work/cell phone numbers, Skype name, email addresses, etc, I will be happy to prepare a Word or Excel file for you. We can start from there!

I'm sending you a photo of myself and family taken in 2010, and a photo taken in DC with Michael (魏繩威) and Amy (任遵訓) when they came to our High School 35th anniversary reunion. Would you be willing to share a photo of yourself  w/ or w/o your family too?

Take care!
2011, 09, 27

2007, 10, 12  Washington DC

Hi, everyone,
                This is Tzang Jin-Rong (Marina) and want to say “hi” to everyone. Because of Christine, I got to connect with y’all. I currently live in Austin Tx and am still working in private sector. Our daughter works in NYC so we do come to the east coast a few times a year.
                I can’t say I remember everyone well, but am very excited about the re-connection after so many years. Hopefully We will find way to reunite  soon!

2011, 09, 27

2011, 04, 23 New York

2011, 04, 23 New York

Hello Everyone,
王 斐 and I will meet in the Bay area (Silicon Valley, San Francisco) late Oct.  Welcome to join us if you are in this area or you will have a trip.   

王 斐,  it's nice to know you will be back soon.  would you please give me a ring after you come back from Wu Han. ( I will be home after Oct. 26).   

2011, 09, 27


現在在上海工作, 今天會飛回Los Angeles開會,回家並休息幾天。
非常感謝陳仲蘅及林莉的努力, 我在兩三年前問過林莉是否可以幫忙連繫北小同學沒想到終於我們可以聯繫上。待我上飛機後再與各位續舊。
I am learning to type simplified Chinese using Google Pinyin(that was the set up for the computer in the office) but my progress was very slow and I felt like I were in elementary school again! What a great feeling when I saw all your names at the same time!!!
Best to everyone no matter where you are!
Jeremy Chia Hua Hsu
2011, 09, 28

Dear 陳仲蘅, 臧芷容 and All,

Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. It is amazing, after nearly a half century apart, I can trace far and bring back all those happy, innocent, and childish images of 北師附小 (Yeah, 施惠寧, 我記得你而且完全同意你) years. If we must choose lazy, 附小 seems more appropriate, although we could engage a naming fight with女師附小. Otherwise, 北小, 女小, 國小, 實小 just show a bit no taste (or class).

Anyway, per your quest, here is the Liu family in Massachusetts:
Picture 1 – Dad and Mom’s Chorus Concert in November 2008 (Joe 26 NY, Tai ?,
Jamay 28 NY, Mann-Wen, Jen 19 MIT ’14)

Picture 2 – Attending my niece’s wedding in DC September 2010 (Chris 6’5”
Jamay’s fiancé,  Jamay in love, talking dad, happy mom, big Joe).

I came to the US in 1978 picked a MA from UCLA; went to MIT in 1980 and settled in Boston since; worked nearly 20 years with the Federal government in Cambridge till turn-of-the-Century; realized life means more and thus turned myself into a real estate entrepreneur in the dynamic and prosperous Mass Real estate market. I often tell my friends: “razing a child dedicated and consumed 18 years of our prime time until kids are in college”. I felt reborn and rejuvenated after 27 years of being a hard working dedicated dad.

I love singing (karaoke is fun), and now learning ballroom dancing among other activities. I don’t mean to overwhelm your email box. But I do sense the zeal of grad school reunion may turn wild. So while we keep the current list in tact (with limited expansion), my current thought and suggestion would be:

1. Regional Formation – For example, we can add new附小 alums on the East Coast (DC, NY, New England) alliance for a feasible short-term reunion.

2. Classmate Finding – Based on class first (before grade). 臧芷容, do you have any contact with 戊班同學? I lost contact with 吳圻 and 胖和尚陳承中, but would like to reconnect with them. You and I could make a start to search/establish our classmate’s contacts.

3. If each class can designate a focal point, we can count Lilian and Christine’s leadership to build the master grade list, and an eventual big reunion. That, hopefully, will be something we can all cherish lives and lift spirits crossing half century, many spaces and continuing ….

Best regards,

Tai K. Liu
2011, 09, 28






大概我是少數一直待在西岸的校友, ULCA 81年M arch畢業後主要在加州洛山磯,夏威夷,上海,但也在科威特及英國工作及居住過。結婚31年,太太薛嶺馨是北一女與陳仲


上月底我打了陳仲蘅給我魏繩威在天津的電話但沒人接,希望泰國兄能幫忙組織次同學會(靠近東岸?),就算不克參加也可請各位Email一些照片讓缺席者過癮(or we can
use Skype)。現在我已于昨晚由洛山磯返上海。附上一張前天與太太及侄孫的照片(yes, I have been called "Grandpa" here and LA main office)


徐佳驊 上
2011, 10, 08


真高興讀到你的來函, 知到你的近況. 我已經跟臧芷容聯繫上, 與陳仲蘅通過電話, 看到魏繩威賢伉儷的近照, 也聽說施惠寧不記得附小有個劉泰國, 讓我有些納悶.

這周忙了點, 各地的校友風也吹得頗緊, 前兩天成大北美聯合會的總會長(紐約), DC的前會長頻頻來電提名我出任聯合會的董事, 推辭不禮, 新任總會在北加州, 接下來會在
德州, 免不了將有南下西遊的機會.

在波士頓, 地利之便, 免不了活動頻繁, 這周五要參加MIT校長官邸的一個酒會, 十二月間是成大校友會的年會. 這麼多的校友會活動, 怎能比得上北小, 附小的吸引力, 如
果真能如你願辦起來, 你老兄務必恭逢盛會, 缺席不可.

我于 1978 -1980 在 UCLA School of Architecture and Urban Planning, 與你應該有一年的交替.

2011, 10, 09
Hi, all
I just came back from my China trip. I found my family picture and put it in the attachment (From left to right; Emile(2nd son) , PI-Fung Chen (wife), fei wang (me) and Evan (1st son)). Since most of my colleage classmates could not recognize me after 30 years, you will find me very different from 50 years ago.

I was in the same class with both 臧大年(my high school classmate) and 臧芷容. Thanks 大年 providing my information to other high school classmates, now I get to connect my high schoold friends as well. I can connect 臧芷容  recent picture to my 50 year old memory. I also recognize Michael (魏繩威) right away ( I talked to him on the phone in China but never have a chance to meet). 牛慰慈, 陳仲蘅, 任遵訓, 施惠寧, should be in the same class before. I do have a lot of fun memoies about our old school activities. 
陳仲蘅I should able to find 耿陸 throug tunghai alumini association. Stay tuned
陳承中 is in Noth carolina. I will need to check around before I can find his contact information.
吳圻 is also my high school classmate. May be 臧大年 has his inormaiton if 吳圻 is in contact with our high school friends.
Fei 王斐
2011, 10, 12

Hi Wang Fei,
Thanks for writing and sending the photo. I also remember you very well when you were little (you sat in the front rows, quite chatty, always in good mood, and funny).
Please ask Niu Nien Tse to write and send us a photo when you meet up with him--I also remember him (he was tall and sat in the back). 
In fact, I hope you all reply and tell us a little about you when you get a chance. I sat next to Hsieh Jung for the fifth and sixth grade, really like to hear from you!
OK! I have to go, more later!
Christine 陳仲蘅
2011, 10, 12

Hello Christine,

妳的記憶力真好, 隔了幾十年還記得這麼清楚. 最近陸續收到大家的e-mail, 兒時情景歷歷如繪, 好似昨曰一般. 我想在我們小的時候, 萬萬想不到半個世紀後, 大家分開後又再連繫上, 而且是在美國. 這就是人生吧. 昨天看到王斐的照片上架勢十足. 我想有美嬌娘在旁,有子萬事足. 明午我們會有小聚. 記憶中的王斐小時屬聰明型,反應快,書卷味很濃. 今曰依然如是. 能說古道今,濤濤不絕.

隨函附上個人照片四幀, 因為如要登出全家福照, 需經太太審核,批準. 流程太長又複雜. 而往往挑出的又不是我要的.

照<1> 上海出差時抽空給太太選衣服. 我請助理先用手機攝下, 發給人在美國的太太認可後再買.  包括選衣,拍照,傳遞,認可,付錢,修改完. 全程不超過三個鐘頭. 上海高檔女衣不便宜, 但是款式新,手工好, 值得買.(這是我太太說的) 

照<2> 南京附近某賓館等侯早餐. 經過多曰在外奔波. 深深感覺到還是在家好.(早飯)

照<3> 經過整個上午的參觀遊覽後, 該用飯了. 在倫敦大英博物館進中餐.(中飯)

照<4> 北京黃浦會晚餐前. 此館四合院設計. 內部中西合壁. 在多本雜誌上介紹過. 我此較喜歡上海的黃浦會, 在外灘三號五樓. 新式海菜, 精緻可口.(晚飯)

不好意思, 以上獻醜了. 兩個兒子都大學畢業獨立. 週曰忙於公司業務. 週未陪太太逛逛街上館子. 週曰參加教會崇拜. 生活簡單, 到也充實. 報告完畢!
2011, 10, 13

牛慰慈 and I met last Thursday. We had a good time talking about old school days. I was surprised to find out that Tom(牛慰慈) remembers many good old stories, friends, and even school gossips. He definitely is the one we should invite when we have a group get together. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera so I can not show you about our pictures.I am working in the flash memory semiconductor company. Due to the job requirement, I did travel a lot in the past few years. I spent one year in Taiwan, and 2 half year in Wu Han. Since my wife was with me, we did have a chance to go sightseeing and meet the local people in both Taiwan and China. My wife did the volunteer work in both places; She participated in "Ma-En-Jou"'s presidential camping in 2008 (She is a Blue team supporter). She also volunteered in Ponda caring program in Wu Han. Because of this activity, she was interviewed by local TV and newspaper. Our Wu Han friends called her " Grandma Ponda"   My old son Evan is in San Diego working for a defense company. My young son Emile is in NY city working for an architectural consultant company. Recently he is involved with the construction of 911 memorial hall, he is very proud of it (even though he is only involved with very small part of it). He really wants us to go there so he can be our host in NY city. If you guys have a get together party in East coast, please do let both Tom and I know. We may be able to join you if we are there.I got  耿陸's  Taipei phone #. This is an old information but I hope at least the home # is correct.
Sorry I can not get his EMail address.

Fei 王斐
2011, 10, 18

Hello Christine,
9/25看到Grade4 Moderator e-mail 不覺眼睛一亮,陳仲蘅和其他幾位叫得出的名字出現在螢幕上。45年了,其間除了高中時見到幾位小時同學外,就再無他人訊息。我應是本屆第一位失聯人口,初中聯考完第二天,我就從安東街搬到雙園區[華中橋頭],再加上盧良鎖老師建議我選一所離家近一點的學校,因此我進入萬中,就和各位沒有交集了。原想等這一陣子忙完再和各位聯絡,10/12看到仲蘅的email,不覺笑了出來,趕快出來應卯,勿怪!


我1984離開NYU,就到中央研究院數學研究所工作(也因此成為Google尋人的指標,其實我的connection is poor),86春我訪問SUNY at Stony Brook三個月、89春我訪問Brown U.,Rhode Island半年、90-91再次訪問Brown U.一年,之後就倦鳥歸巢不再動了。

我太太任教於中央大學,兩個男孩,分別是20、21歲。住在桃園縣平鎮市(near airport, 40 km south to Taipei)。我這學期Monday -Thursday  at Academia Sinica, Friday at National Central U.



謝  仲
2011, 10, 18

Hello Hsieh Jung!!

Great to hear from you. It is amazing how we, after so many years, get back in touch. Without the internet, it would not have been possible. I do not go back to Taiwan much any more, but when I do, I hope to call you and stop by to see you. I do see the Alley you used to live, it has changed a lot!

I noticed that you did not hit "reply all", but from your text, I guess you meant it. So, I am taking the liberty to forward your email to everyone.

In 1990-91, my husband took a year of Sabbatical from U of Massachusetts, and we all went to National Central University. My boys were 4 and 6 at the time. I put my older boy in the first grade in an municipal elementary school, (and my younger son in the preschool at Central Univ), and I accompanied my older son and attended class with him during the first week because he did not speak Mandarin. In the morning, when children went to the atheletic field for the flag-raising ceremony and sing the national anthem, I was in the hallway watching, my tears came to my eyes. That brought back so much memories of my childhood/school years--you know how we did not care about these routines back then when we were little, but if you are living in a foreign country for many years, that's how you become, very nostalgic (or patriotic?!).

Anyway, I am in NYC, so when you/anyone have chance to come to the US, please email, call and visit us.

Thanks again for writing and for sending the photos!!!!

Christine 陳仲蘅
2011, 10,19

Dear Wang Fei, Tom Niu and All,
It is great to regain the contact, as well as receiving such lively reports with your amusing pictures. We must be in the same class with 段永弼 of 一乙, 二乙 with 李月珍老師, before advancing to different upper classes. I had fond memories of both of you. Wang Fei, you have the same witty smile if I only concentrate on the central features on your face without looking to your body (once very skinny…). For 牛慰慈,  remember we both lived in 成功新村, and 段永弼 right behind us in a newer residential section. You still have that pair of bull eyes except with much awesome looks. Could we pick some of your fashion taste and perhaps have a shopping tour with you some days?
I have been kind of busy lately and not really dwindling on a possible East coast reunion, as many of you hinted. I am shameful to say other than the newly reconnected 臧芷容 (much thanks to Christine), I have lost contact to most of our 六戊 old classmates. Can anyone help? 大年兄, do you have any clues? And how are you doing? I remember you very well especially on the basketball court?
Best to you all!
Tai K. Liu 劉泰國
PS. I have been just recently called to attend the 80 anniversary of 成大, and the NCKUAA North America board meeting in Tainan. It is only a short trip (11/8-11/16). Likely I will be in Taipei between 11/13 – 15.
2011, 10, 21

Good morning 泰國,

It's so nice to receive your e-mail after so many years.  I'm in business trip in Chicago now.  I will reply your e-mail in detail when I get back to my home next weekend.  Have  a nice weekend.

Best Regards,

Tom Niu
2011, 10, 22


I just received an e-mail from Philip Shen this morning.  Philip mentioned you were his best friend before.  Would you please contact him at your earliest convenience? I also replied his e-mail in the mean time.

牛慰慈  ( From hotel in Orlando, Fl)
2011, 10, 25
-------- Original Message --------
From: "Philip Shen"
Date: Sun, October 23, 2011 10:26 pm


在四年級部落格及北小網站看見1966的同學也在串連中,我也想加入你們的行列,不過當初我是唸完三年級後轉走的,但是至少還記得許多你們未曾提起的名字:薛聖勉、涂  玨、謝興秀、陸嘉麟、鄭延生、邵家仁、袁立昭、李靜一、徐崇實、李田樹、何烱堯、嚴震生等。其中:涂  玨、謝興秀、陸嘉麟、鄭延生、何烱堯、嚴震生、楊建瑞、王  斐、薛聖勉、徐佳驊都是小1~3的同學,楊建瑞就是坐我旁邊的女生,至於嚴震生和我尚有聯絡。

很冒昧的希望從您處得到徐佳驊的E-MAIL ADD. 因為小1~3他是我最要好的同學。希望能跟他敘敘舊。
Hi all,
Maybe Philip Shen should identify himself in Chinese first?
2011, 10, 25

Hi all, (and Lillian),

I am a bit suspicious of the email that Philip Shen sent. I am not aware that we had mentioned all these other names in the blog.  I do know a couple of names, but then again, I don't know them all.
Can Lilian help clarify this? Who is this Philip Shen, why does he write the entire email in Chinese but his name?
Sorry for being paranoid...We have to be careful!
Christine Chen
2011, 10, 25

Hello All,

I will let Philip's best friend 佳驊 announce his Chinese name.  (I also just found Philip's Chinese name).

Best Regards,

Tom Niu
2011, 10, 26

To All,  His name is 沈祖尉,he sent a series of clues for me to test my memory so he did not reveal his name first. All the rest of names he mentioned in the email were from our class but out of my memory storage for half a century. Thanks for everyone’s effort to keep us connected and care for each other’s privacy, I will contact him separately.
徐佳驊Jeremy Hsu
2011, 10, 26

Thanks 佳驊!! I was worried about crooks! (You know, there are so many these days!) I am glad I was wrong.
2011, 10, 26

Dear Christine, I totally agreed with you, I was worried about the email initially, I will handle it carefully and will not CC everyone else from now on. Thank you for watching the flow of communication. Now these daily emails within the group had almost made us classmates again. What a wonderful experience of growing old but feeling young again! 
JH 徐佳驊
2011, 10, 26


Hi Christine:
Per your request please find attached a few pictures of my family: my son and his girl friend (2006); my wife and 3 sons at a birthday party (2006); my niece with 3 sons (2008); with a colleague at Tsing-Hua U. in Beijing (2007); and yours truly with my 7th doctoral student at his hooding ceremony (2010).  Feel free to share them with other classmates.
Young-Bee 段永弼
2011, 10, 26

Hi all,
Christopher Tuan sent me a message today and allowed me to forward the photos to you all. (Thanks, Chris!)
I also copied this web site where an article was written about his work.  Enjoy!  His contact info is at the end of this message.

PS--Christopher, I read it too fast and did not get it right. Microwave would go straight to ice and snow, not to used to heat up the concrete. Now I got it!

2011, 10, 27

To All,

I received a photo over the weekend and would like to share with you. Philip Shen(沈祖尉) who transferred to other school after 3rd grade but he regards himself a true Beixiao memeber.

Anyway it would be a good test for our memory and see how many names/faces we can recognize from the photos.

2011, 11, 06

Hello All,
I make a list (see attachment).  I only could fill out few space.  If  you can remember any teachers' name,  please feel free to fill out it (or correct my mistake).   佳驊, thank you for posting such old and valuable piture to us.  同時歡迎  沈祖尉歸隊. 我們又多了一員大將. 
Tom Niu
2011, 11, 08

Dear 泰國 / All,
記得你從小就品學兼優.  當年第一天去北師附小上課. 我姊陪著我, 你的姊姊們陪著你去學校.  回家後就記得我姊告訴母親說你懂得很多東西.  這也是我對你的第一個印象. 一,二年級上半天課時, 偶爾我會去你家玩.  你家院子很大花木扶疏. 並有防空洞和魚池. 有陣子還搭你父親的便車中午去上學.  時間過的太快了, 如今我們的孩子都大學畢業.  前些曰子看到你的照片. 還是和從前一樣穩重.
談到 fashion, 記得剛結婚時. 太太時常提醒我. 說疼老婆的人會發財. 這些年下來, 錢並不沒有多掙, 只是不斷的發福. 並且把老婆的習慣給養壞了. 出差回家都要帶些禮品如衣服,手飾或手信之類.  否則那雙失望的眼神, 會讓人難以合眼安眠.  前次附上我在上海淮海路為太太選衣服的照片.  一則是請太座大人明示是否合適買.  二則存底用, 以備遇有異議時, 用以佐證.  女人心, 細如水, 無孔不入, 無縫不進. 水可載舟, 亦可覆舟.  宜善用之.
還有, 你有 陳大衛的音訊嗎?  我也很想念他.
Note: The picture with wife in New York (steak house).

2011, 11, 08

Hey! 慰慈,

明兒早就要上飛機, 趕上你的email. 你的記性真好, 也寫得風趣, 只是太過抬舉, 讓我覺得 humble. 我小學時是太過穩重, 少年老成 (臧芷容你說是不是?) , 不像現在比較調皮.

陳大衛人在LA, 我們也多年沒有聯絡了. 佳驊寄來的北小師長照片, 真是珍貴, 我還認出不少熟悉的面孔, 尤其是背景的教室. 我在台北會有兩天, 說不定回去晃一晃, 尋找


2011, 11, 08

臧大年 2011/11/09

Hello all,
I just received a call from 王而平.  We met in 1979 when I was at school in Illinois.  王而平 lives in Walnut, California.  He already retired and enjoy life with his wife.  His contact information as follows.
王而平 (Harry Wang)
而平, thank you for contacting me this morning.  Your name is in the list.  Welcome to share your story and photos with us.
2011, 11, 10

Hi, old schoolmates/classmates,
I am so glad that I can contact you through 牛慰慈.  Some of you may know me,  some may not. The important thing is that the majority of us were graduated from Beixiao 1966.
At any rate, I feel great that I know how you are, where you are. My brother who also graduated from Beixiao in 1961, and went back to Taipei to attend 50 years of anniversary of graduation (half century), less than 5 percent classmates showed up.
So all of us to gathering again is very difficult if not impossible for obvious reasons.
If lucky, some of us can get together, if not, we still can contact  each other via e-mail, Skype, facebook.....etc. I am contented  if we can do that.
Again, I am thrilled after 45 years, we hooked up again. Great.
2011, 11, 10


林莉 (AKA 02)
2011, 11, 10

Sorry to not response you earlier.
I have the one you need in 1966 at home.
Charles Meng (in your grade) had mentioned to me how the one in 1966 is valuable/needed.
I will call you to meet and "hand it to you".
Amy Wong
2011, 11, 11

Just realize from your phone number that you are not physically in USA.
I plan to visit Taiwan in 2012(possibly for high school reunion) and will bring it to you then.
2011, 11, 11

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
2011, 11, 19

Hi all,

I just want to thank you for writing back to the group. I started looking for classmates 4 months ago and I am very happy that this group keeps growing. I will contact some of you when I have the chance to go to Taipei or California. If you come to NYC for visits, please also contact me.

Thank you Harry and 臧大年. I do not know either of you, but I heard of Da-Nien and I know 芷容 (although she did not remember me, but I remember her well).

A list can go on only when people chime in from time to time. Some of us may have chance to meet up.

I also encourage you if you have the yearbook to share with Lilian. I know some of you do not like the idea of sharing personal info, and I don't blame you. However, I think most of it is public info any ways. We are in the internet age, we just have to be vigilant.

I apologize for those who wrote me recently and I had not yet replied. I have been extremely busy right now, but I promise I will catch up with you.

Christine 陳仲蘅
PS-- we are still looking for 陳承中, Yang Jien-Rei, Meng Fan-Ji, and many many more!
2011, 11, 11

Bravo!!! One error I found--  連炳南 is the Chinese teacher. Look how young he looks in 1961!  I remember him, he is not as cool tempered as our math teacher 盧良鎖.  Some times he insulted students (especially boys) when he was really mad--it was horrible the stuff he said to them. He used to ride a motorcycle!
2011, 11, 13


我們聊到了小時上下學的路線,我是住在406巷,他則是穿過400巷和陳承中(?)一起走,他也提到了王斐家也在四百多巷,更靠近和平東路,仲蘅家應也是從安東街一直下去,應該靠近信義路(我記得是王磊(?)說的,這使我記起,他常和我說:「昨天我看到你爸騎腳踏車…」我們也提到了(1-4庚)住在安東街派出所附近的張翊,張栩兄弟,我和繩威都曾到他們家玩過,這讓我想起了吳經明(?5-6甲),因為他妹妹也是我們這一屆的。我的鄰居張板橋、李容妍,還有一位住在406巷的劉國家(1-4庚)。轉到附小附近,一年級教室後面的防空壕,圍牆外的小河(現在已成下水道,當年不時可看到牛在小河中洗澡和水蛇順水而下)和對面的黃家大院(現在是古蹟,在龍門國中校園內)。當年黃群彥(5-6甲)和黃清連(?5-6乙)住在裡面,他們的輩份應差了兩輩(連炳南老師所說),住在校門右前方的周連地(5-6甲),住在學校左邊的廖為國(他家應該是洗衣店),和住在六張犁方向的倪無言(5-6甲,我記得他精熟於三國、水滸),在談到建中時,我們提到了項潔、項學琛(1-4庚)我們也figure out小學六年級時教我們歷史的老師是伍立霞。   



再次歡迎各位有空 stop by,我們也可去附小、安東街、成功新村一帶走走。
1. 1961師長照片中教務主任是程主任還是陳主任?   
2. 仲蘅:黃幼華是甲班的嗎?   
3. 照片是我和魏繩威攝於中研院數學所〈台大校區〉。
2011, 11, 16

Dear Jung,
wow, you two have such great memory, a sign of intelligence! (haha!)
Huang Youhua is indeed in our class. I remember many of the people you talked about. where is Li Jhao-shuan? Anyone knows? He came to my house after graduation from Taida, right before I came to the US? He graduated from Geology Dept.

Ni Wuyen, I remember seeing him the last time during a Beixiao visit around 1972 or 73. Jeremy (Jiahua) and you also went?

Thank you for the photo! You look great! We had a good time during those years, didn't we? Except when teacher Lian had a fit sometimes, he was not very nice to boys!  I still remember some of his rages!

More later! 
2011, 11, 17

遠山蒼蒼, 绿水泱泱, 我在十一月十五日(回美前一天) 的中午, 一個人來到北小 (附小). 紅樓依舊, 門庭亦然, 但外牆的翻新, 校園內新啟的大樓, 和紅膠土的運動場, 讓北小有一片欣欣向榮, 優質學校的感覺. 我很驚喜的在輔導室/校史資料中心找到陳承中的聯繫資料, 極友善的周金鳳老師幫忙鑑定我們屬二十一屆, 校史館仍在尋找二十一屆的畢業紀念冊, 歷屆校友紛紛返校舉辦五十周年畢業活動, 譚校長在安養院頤老, …… 載下了內容頗豐的北小網址, 我們這屆的留名很少, 但居然讓我在登錄的手冊上找到陳承中. 再序 ………
劉泰國北師附小1966, 戊班
2011, 11, 21

Wow!  What a surprise.  Luckily, I can still recognize 90+% of the names.  Hope you all are doing well.

Time flies.  I retired from DuPont last year and have been working at an electronic company in Taiwan for about a year now.  It feels rewarding to give back some, but also tough that wife is still working at DuPont in NC.

I called Teacher Chang (5th/6th grade teacher) on 9/28.  She and her husband splitting time living in Taipei (Baixao dorm) and Gueilin (China), and are in good health.

Got to go to meeting now.  More later.

CC 承中
2011, 11, 21
To continue ...

Left Taiwan on 8/7/1976.  Got in (and then out of) touch with:

70s:  朱藹麗 臧芷容 王潤琴 項學琛 臧大年 王斐 李田樹 in IL
80s:  薛慧蘋 左中慶 in upstate NY; 邵旦華/珍妮 in GA; 陸嘉麟 in Taiwan; 李静一 in NJ
90s:  劉泰國 in MA
00s:  王斐 in CA
10s:  李田樹 in Taipei; 蔡嬪嬪 in Hsinchu

As you can imagine, all teachers while we were in school have long retired.  張志溟老師(戊) 盧良鎖老師(甲) live in the school housing at the back of the school.  Many (including 錢立英老師 and my mom) have passed away.

I have two daughters (27 and 24).  Older one is a neurology resident in Phoenix and the younger one is a 3rd year med student at U of Chicago.  A family of four live in four places spread over two continents.

Well, so much about myself.  Hope can hear more your families from you.

承中 (CC)
2011, 11, 21

令堂  李金鑾老師是我三,四年級時的級任老師.  非常有愛心,負責任.  是位難得的好老師.  上月我和王斐小聚時, 還談到李老師, 我們都很懷念她. 

2011, 11, 22

Dear Tom:

Thanks for the kind words.  Likewise, to my mom, her students were always on her mind till the very end (5/2003).

2011, 11, 22

" 校史館仍在尋找二十一屆的畢業紀念冊".  哈哈!  學校居然也會掉東西.  要是換成過去我們掉了書包,課本或家庭作業.  那還了得!

看到泰國拍的紅樓照片, 想起過去曾經多少次在其間穿梭.  放學時同學們在樓前集合排隊.  迫不急待的想儘快離去.  如今想再回去看看, 似乎又變得那麼遙不可及. 謝謝泰國所帶回的訊息和分享.
2011, 11, 22

項潔  應該是你們這一屆的 他在Univ. of Illinois時和我同學,很要好 後來他應該到台大資訊系任教,有一段時間借調到東華大學 找台大資訊系,應該可以聯絡上 FYI

2011, 11, 22

To All, 由3年級轉學生沈祖慰及湯紹成提供的Scanned 资料, 我們現在已有了我們這屆的YEAR BOOK,現分4 email送給各位。沈祖慰雖然3年級轉到別的小學但一直與許多北小同學都有連系, 以下是他的Email內容:

徐佳驊 Jeremy         
目標:2016 北小畢業50週年 返校重聚各班聯絡人(暫定)
甲班      徐佳驊     陳仲蘅
乙班      嚴震生    
丙班      湯紹成     魏繩威   任遵訓
丁班      王  斐     施惠寧
戊班      劉泰國     臧芷容
己班      王而平
庚班      ?

我沒畢業,隱身在幕後打雜,但是1966 year book 中沒有、牛慰慈 趙善中 梅丁衍1967  
李定華(紐澤西)、虞定邦(德州)、楊春龍(加州) 黃幼華、李健全、張和庥、杜建真、羅通、包  復、孟繁芝、  以上都在美
此三人由我負責找到  薛聖勉 再興同學 袁立昭表舅 孫世沖鄰居
江行全 謝 仲. 耿陸 網路上有線索
段永弼. 李兆璿  林莉有線索
嚴震生 湯紹成 是政大同事有聯絡
最後感謝 湯紹成 提供 YEAR BOOK

2011, 11, 23

Hello All,

我和陳大衛在六年下,  被家長轉到龍安去惡補了.  所以畢業紀念冊上沒有我們的名字.  我們和蔡嬪嬪都是六年庚班. 其次寇紹涵(不知何班)也在我附近.  他現在是牧師.
甲班      徐佳驊     陳仲蘅
乙班      嚴震生    
丙班      湯紹成     魏繩威   任遵訓
丁班      王  斐     施惠寧
戊班      劉泰國     臧芷容
己班      王而平
庚班      牛慰慈(美,矽谷)    蔡嬪嬪(台)  
2011, 11, 23
看了一下你們這一屆的紀念冊,才發現很多位曾與我同班過,後來大概他們太懷念北師附小,所以多留了一年(絕無取笑之意,我自己高中也耽誤了一年) 我可以幫你們找到崔成宗(高中與我同班,在淡江中文系任教)
項潔今早與我聯絡上了,我們在留學時(Univ. of Illinois)非常要好 另外,我應該可以幫你們找到薛聖勉(在美國,麻醉專科醫師)
2011, 11, 23

Wow!! Thanks to Jeremy for forwarding the zipped year book. Kudos to 沈祖慰及湯紹成for their work. That’s incredible!!!  “星星之火, 已經開始燎原 ….” The Class of 1966 is awesome. At least we are back on the record book, and are bound to write new chapters. The 2016 50th reunion is grand but far. I can see that would eventually happen. But can we wait? It is the right idea to start search and update the expanded class list (Ha! As long as it will not over blow the current list). That definitely would require collective efforts. We are so fortunate to have 北小 (北教附小 – refer to school name history) as a resource:  as well as 林莉的: 新浪網址 There are so many to thank for on the eve of Thanksgiving Day! Happy Holiday!
Tai K. Liu
Boston, Mass.
2011, 11, 24

Dear all,
Yes, indeed, thank you all for the collective effort! Long live our friendships no matter where we are!!
2011, 11, 24

I got this email from 劉永鄂。He and my brother are good friends. You  are the contact for our class, so I think I should forward this to  you.
May 汪梅
2011, 12, 03

This is: 劉永鍔 (Teddy Liu)
(currently reside in 北京, 成都 & Southern Cal/Irvine)

Can you forward my contact info to whomever is responsible?
I've forward your 2 excel files to 葉有杉 (whom was my College  classmate back in Taiwan and he is also working at 北京) and asked him to contact you directly with his  "pernament contact info".

2016's 50th Aniversary Reunion at 北師附小 sounds like a winner, will certain make plan to attend. But when? please give me an early headsup! 校慶日 will be more appropriate to me? But, when was the 校慶日 anyway? I really had too little recollections off the good  (or bad) old days!

劉永鍔 from Beijing
1) Oh, one correction in the 2nd spreadsheet, there is a guy named  “車仲彧” but most of the people recognize (so did the spreadsheet creator) the last character as  "或". Please make a note of it.
2) I think I saw some "old" news a couple of years ago saying one of my 3rd grade teacher 周燕然 celebrating her 88th bday with some of her 北師附小 students. How touching if the contact lists can also include some of the teachers (like 趙敬暉 whom I still remember he spank me hard a couple of times).
3)  校長谭達士 is still famous for her training of speed reading (
2011, 12, 02

Hi everyone:
I am surprised to get this e-mail after 40 some years, and I am Sam Shay,and on your list Hsueh Sheng-Mien.
Currently I am living in SF, CA. Very pleased to get to know everyone again and Happy Holidays to you  all.
Sam Shay
2011,  12, 04

Hi all,

This is Christine again--just received updates from Sam Shay (薛聖勉 Hsueh Shen-Mien), there was a typo of his phone; . He is in San Francesco area. 

Also, I spoke to Sy Wei-Li (Class Ding).  She is in Long Island area. 

The following is an email from Teddy Liu.
Teddy, you don't need to scan the yearbook, Jeremy Hsu and DN Tsang had already done so. Thanks a lot.


Dear all,
Here is the email about news from Teddy Liu -- 

Great to hear from Wang Mei! We were classmates during first to 4th grades.
I also know 葉有杉!
Thanks again and have a great weekend.

Dear Christine,

Here is the email I just replied to Winnie & May (Winnie mentioned about spanking first) and here you go as well..... feel free to pass around to whomever is interesting !

Winnie and May,

Well well well, just drop off a reply email to May's big brother "John" AFTER he revealed to me one of his dirty & messy secret when he was
punished hard by his 6th grade teacher just a few days shy of Graduation!

Same here . . .  about spanking!

In my 6th grade, I think I was something like the 風纪股長, and during the after-lunch nap time, I always took all the boys out to play 騎馬打仗 and I always controlled the time just right to bring all boys back in time before the teacher 趙敬暉 returned (he lived just accross the street from school) from his lunch and nap. But one afternoon, for some odd reasons, 趙老師 came back much too early and found (a) all girls PLUS 葉有杉 were in the classroom chatting and (b) all boys are GONE "horsing around" outside!!  Well, the "Iron-faced 鐵面" 趙敬暉 (I have never recalled seeing him smile!) did not take it the good way and he spanked (he used one broken section of a chair) each and every one of the boys (except of course 葉有杉  - who was forbidden to play 騎馬打仗 for fear of jamming his tender violin-playing fingers) ONE time on palms but spanked the ring-leader "me" gazillion times (one count for each boy ditching nap). As I recalled, my both hands (from palms up) were soooo swollen and numb so bad and I could not feel a thing even 3rd day after. That was the only time I was spanked at during my 4 years at 北師附小(3rd-6th grades). 
(Note: my family moved from Hong Kong to Taiwan when I was in 3rd grade, and I still remember I had the best teacher ever "周燕然" then.
So, yeah, I was kinda like a transfer 僑生 to all my 3rd grader classmates at 北師附小, ha! ha!)
Those old time pics and names did bring a lot of good memories back and yes, come to think of it, I was really a messy and a naughty boy
then. Well, May's bro JOHN apparently was no different either. People never change!


Teddy 劉永鍔
from Beijing (2011-12-4)
Note 1: 葉有杉 is working in Beijing as well. Please refer rto attached pic file of 葉有杉 and me (2003 in Beijing)
Note 2: I have already emailed 葉有杉 the two Excel files and asked him to send his latest contact info to May, so, stay tuned.
Note 3: I still have my Graduationn year Book somewhere in Southern Cal/Irvine (I think), if I can allocate it, I will try to scan it into digital files to share.
2011, 12, 03

謝 仲
2011, 12, 05

謝 仲, 

Thanks for the updates and sad to know that my (I was 丁班) 趙敬暉老師  has jut passed away. I think we all shall pray for him tonight.
One suggestion (if you can broadcast it out) is to "encourage everyone so far 歸隊的, go out and find the LOST CHILD out there!", one at
a time will be just fine.  I think I have just brought 葉有杉 (6丁)歸隊,and am in the process of trying (might be a slim chance) to locate
the Twins 陶中原 & 陶中城 (last time, 1999, I heard from a friend of mine that 陶中原 was in HK).

Best regards,

劉永锷 (Teddy Liu)
2011, 12, 05

請與沈祖蔚(Philip Shen) 報到, 同時轉告你所知道流浪在外失聯的 1966年北師附小畢業生.
2011, 12, 06

Wow ! this is a such an exciting email. --- "1966" --- how many years ago was that ?
I am 李健全 庚班. report to our dear classmates.
I am in Jersey for 32 years.
薛九芳,周敏,there were many people in the CC list.  I am so happy to see your name there.
建仁,your email address. got it.
張和庥 - I add your name into our list. please keep in contact.
Eddie - thanks for the late birthday gift. this is wonderful.
we have to find time to get together.
2011, 12, 07

Hi all,
This is a great piece of message I would like to share with you all at this peaceful Holiday Seasons.
Wish you have a great Merry Christmas & a Happiest New Year ever with your love ones.
One of the greatest presents I received this year is the chance to "have a chance to contat you all" after all these years apart and heard nothing about. Come to think of it, I do think our Grade School 北師附小 is the BEST grade school ever in this world and I've spent the most memorable time there (How sickening, I even missed the corporal punishment - mentioned by Winnie 施惠寕 & May 汪梅).

I do wish we can all use the Contact Lists published by 謝仲 (thanks to him) to reach out and touch someone. For sure, Michael 魏繩威 (currently worked @ Chevron/天津塘沽港), took the advantage of it and drop me and Danniel 葉有杉 (we are currently working in 北京) an email just a couple of days ago and we wil

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